Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Z and Floor work.

Woke up pretty sore with the right shoulder, bicep, forearm and pec minor all pretty tight from those rough jerks and sleeping on it .Got into Girya extra early (5:30) for a full Z drill session before work.
Neutral spine lengthening front/to sides
with arms front/side,overhead
Lateral and medial tilts
toe pulls
toe circles
ankle circles pointed 3 way
ankle circles pulled 3 way
knee circles closed chain
knee circles open chain
hip pendulums
open chain hip circles 6 position
back half circles
shoulder circles front, back, top,bottom, front ,side
elbow circles top
elbow circles bottom
thoracic slides side to side
full thoracic circles
full neck drills circles
wrist and hand circles.

then five minutes of rifga
up dog
down dog alternating legs
calf stretch
kneeling shoulder stretch
sumo squat stretch
stick shoulder extension
stick press and shrugs.

then today just now
30 minutes of the above z drills.

feel much better now.It amazing that prior to doing z I paid almost no attention to my elbows and wrist j as I thought they were the only joints I had left that werent damaged. And they aren't, thank God.But I didn't know they would turn out to be so valuable in loosening up my shoulders. Now when my shoulders are tight its the elbow bottom circles that seem to release the impingment better than anything else. who woulda thunk it?


Royce said...

Sweet! Glad it wasn't too bad. Even when you push a little too hard it seems anymore you escape with less and less consequences. That has got too feel amazing!
I'm really happy for you.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man, I am trying to use this first and then go to the floor.even if it doesnt get it all out it softens things up enough so that the stretching and massage modalities will be more effective in less time.
I also just have to spend a whole lot more time with that arm over my head, weighted or not.

Mark Reifkind said...

and yes, I can come back from the edge a lot more quickly lately, which is very nice indeed, everyone still feeling ok?

Royce said...

Yeah dude, I'm getting a little more sore. My left side ( impact side ) is getting a few bruises and knots I didn't notice before. But really it's no worse than a bike crash. The girls are doin good. Cheyenne shows no sign of anything, Syd is a little sore. Coulda been a hell of a lot worse.

Ironically about a year and a half ago someone rear ended me not a mile from that spot. I kinda don't want to go on that road anymore.

Franz Snideman said...

Nice to see the Z helping you out Rif! I think that focusing on smooth coordinated movement throughout each joint is medicine to most people's joints and CNS's.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

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