Saturday, November 17, 2007

Sets and Reps.

I've been training with sets and reps for so long I really don't enjoy any other way.I really don't like rushing between sets as I want to be fairly recovered so I can give my next set all the intensity it needs.Starting a set with my HR still elevated doesnt feel right to me.This started in gymnastics where there are at least 4-6 guys in a group and you go one at a time.Bodybuilding was more 'I go, you go' with one training partner and while the pace could be very fast or very slow(depending on which part of the cycle you were in) you always got some rest between sets.
Powerlifting WSB style was either very fast(speed work) or you got lots of rest( max effort days).
The overall effect though was/is a solid increase in high intensity work capacity.The ability to do high intensity work,rest a bit and then repeat it. Over and over and over. There are those who feel one has to do continuous work to increase work capacity but I disagree.As far as functional carryover there have been few situations I have encounted that called for continuous work with no rest. Regardless, I have trained so long this way it is was feels the best for me, and now, in my dotage it really doesnt matter anyway. My one consession to this is the max V02 work and I still get 15 sec rest there. As close as I want to go.
So I got my 400 one arm swings today and even towards the ass end of the workout, when I was starting to fatigue, I could still keep the speed of the bell, and the height of the swing where it was on set one. This is my way of increasing work capacity and keeping power output high.

One Arm Swings

28kgx12/12 x 17 sets
408 reps pr
25,704 lbs pr.

these were very solid even though it didnt feel as easy at the start as I had hoped. Took a few sets to really get warmed up and in the groove. Then it felt light.Sets 8-12 were the toughest as it seemed like still a long way to go. Pure work. Just sets and reps.I love swings. No where to run, nowhere to hide.
I am going to try some two hand swings with a band on monday and see how they go.Keeping my fingers crossed the back says ok now.

torch press
10x5 each arm
double press
2 10's x 5
one arm torch
15 lbs x5 each arm
double torch
2 15s x5 x4 sets

these felt great, really got a solid overhead position.

Gama Casts to flag
15lbsx 20 reps x 4 sets

alternated long arm/short arm position for each set. Love these. Great shoulder, upperback and tricep work. Need a heavier club though.

datsit, staying strong and loose.


Franz Snideman said...

408 reps! Geez......makes my volume look like NADA!

nice job Rif!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz,it's still nothing compared to my swing machine wife but it will do.
I do like cycling the bells each week and doing the appropriate volume for the bells.

Aaron Friday said...

No kidding, Franz. 400 reps with 28kg is amazing. Great job, Mark. That shows a serious blend of strength and stamina.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man;like I said, it wasnt as light feeling as I had hoped :))

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...