Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Max Vo2

Man I was dreading today. Havent done max vo2 snatches in about 4 weeks and did not have a good idea how my wind would be.Tracy is training early on mondays now so Joe and I will trade sets on Wednesdays.Today is the first time we trained this together. Max vo2 is bad but doing it solo is way worse.Was pleasantly surprised at how well it went and we did 35 sets each of 7 reps with the 16kg. I was ahead of the clock for all the sets doing 7 reps in probably 13.5 seconds. Leaves room for that eighth rep when I start feeling particularly masochistic.

16kgx7 reps x 35 sets
245 reps
8820 pounds.

A good starting back point. Felt like 40 sets would have been no problem and 45 still under 85% effort for today. not bad.The other work I have been doing has been keeping my cardio and my lactate threshold capacity pretty strong.HR at the end was 180 on the last set where I did 8 reps. really tried to focus on the same heel drive feeling I have been getting on the push presses to the hip snap in the snatch and it worked great. I could feel the bell take off when I did this and the rep was that much faster.Very good groove today.

CB arm cast
one ten pound bell 3x10 each arm
two ten pound bells 3x10( last set no choke)
one fifteen pound bell 3x8 each arm( last set no choke)

I freaking love this exercise. Just like a standing db crossbench pullover,lol!Tri are already feeling alive again.the second fifteen pound bell will make this even better. I can see 20's already.not the twenty fives though,lol.

Shield casts
one ten pound bell 3x10 each arm( no choke last set)

Two CB rockits
1x50 reps

great quad and glute work a very strong move for me but tons of lactate production potential for the legs.A very fluid, moving level of tension.I dont ski but I bet skiers would love this.

Shoulder press thrusters.
3x8 with tens.

Just playing around with these and already like them . I think I will plug them into the push press cycles. This looks like a good way to cycle these moves.
3 weeks of push press cycle weights 16,20 24 kg each week
2 weeks of 2 clubbell pushpress
3 weeks of jerks cycle weights 16 20, 24 kg each week
2 weeks of 1 clubbell pushpress
then repeat

bw 158.4
bf 8.3%
water 60.5%

I can really feel the hypertophy effect from all this push pressing, jerks and clubbell work on my upper body. Havent really had one for two years. it used to be the dominant part of my body and I really had work to get the hips to work instead of the arms. Now it seems the upper body is ready for some training of its own. very will be even more interesting when I can do double overhead work again. I know that is coming soon.Just as being able to do bilateral lower body work again. Healing is a good thing. two hands swings with bands attached are coming soon too.
Now THAT will be a blast.

datsit gotta do some z and get on the floor before dinner.


Chris said...

Sounds good. The healing continues!

Mark Reifkind said...

yes the trendline is definitely in the right direction.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...