Monday, November 19, 2007

Practice not train.

is what I should be doing with my jerks and push presses but,as usual, I try to go as fast to the top as I can and this is how I get into trouble. I knew I was screwed when I felt so good all morning. Never a good sign. I have never had a GREAT workout when I felt good coming in. Lots of sleep, lots of rest and low stress the day before and sometimes I just feel weak. Today was like that even though I jerked the 28kg for the first time ever for 3x4/4.
I was just off and I rushed the warmup because I wanted to get to the 28kg asap.ANd I havent been doing enough Z and I can feel it>Part of the problem is I feel so much better than usual from doing it that I am trying to see how I little I need.
Well, it's more than I am doing,lol.
Its amazing how quickly my body re 'winds' itself into old patterns and things get tight fast.Especially as I push the loads. THis is why I have stayed with the 24kg for so long in anything overhead. I can use more weight strongly, but the tensions required and the forces produced just arent good for me.At least in regular doses. Yet. At the top of my strength curve my dominant muscle systems fire much harder than the weaker ones(l knee, r shoulder) and a tension imbalance occurs. I can get it from too much weight or too many reps.
I just didnt put the time in these last few days and my shoulder was tighter as a result.
So I pushed through it today as I do and was pretty tight after todays workout. did a full 30 min Z session just now.I planned to go on the roller but I don't think I need to now although I DO need to get on the floor and stretch. BOth the Z and the rifga individualized stretches are key it seems.
The key is being able to moving through basic but crucial postures and each joint ROMs with no pain and no tension. harder than it sounds. at least for me.But when the joint moves correctly again the muscle relaxes.
SO I was just a bit 'off' as I went into jerks.never pays to be lazy.

Jerks(with OL shoes)
28kgx4/4x3 sets

Thought I would play with Dr Hatfields "holistic" bodybuilding scheme as I was thinking maybe the jerks would be a good hypertrophy move for me. Uh, no.I need to PRACTICE this move and not beat myself over the head with it as I am wont to do.Don't be greedy.Especially with heavier weights.
I am definitely liking the push press more than the jerk.driving through the heel was tieing into the kb swing hip snap very well.Took the shoes off for the last two sets and felt much better.SHoulder was just tight today.

Two hand swings with monster mini band
24kgx10 no band
24kgx10x2 with mini
32kgx10 no band
32kgx10x2 with mini

These felt good but I'm not sure its worth the risk.The bands are great though and pull you into the groove.

Arm cast into flag
2 10'sx5x2
1 15 x5
2 15s x5x3

Side swings
15x10/10x3 sets

these are cool too. very good anatagonist for elbows and shoulders for kbs.TONS of triceps work too.


BW 160
BF 9%


Geoff Neupert said...

"I planned to go on the roller but I don't think I need to now although I DO need to get on the floor and stretch. BOth the Z and the rifga individualized stretches are key it seems.
The key is being able to moving through basic but crucial postures and each joint ROMs with no pain and no tension. harder than it sounds. at least for me.But when the joint moves correctly again the muscle relaxes."

Sounds familiar. Glad you are experiencing great results with the Z. The more you do, the more you'll be able load, and the more you'll be able to tolerate the load, especially if you practice all your lifts in long spine. Glad to see you're doing so well. Keep it up.

Mark Reifkind said...


I had been doing a lot of z throughout the day demo'ing to my clients but have really cut that down of late. just have to get back to starting with it early am before work again. I wanted to see how long the effects would last with little direct work.found out,lol.
the long spine standing postures have a great effect by themselves too but I need to do everything.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah, and plenty of up and down dogs.

Brett Jones said...

the more you are able to load the more careful you will have to be. Your journey continues...

Mark Reifkind said...


this is very true it seems. It also shows me the value of not rushing things and making sure the teshnik is right before loading more.
The 16kg w/u jerks didnt feel quite right and I just motored on through hoping it would sort itself out.
Part of it was not having done jerks for the last three weeks( push presses instead). Totally different groove for me.

Geoff Neupert said...

Rif, the reason why you were having such great success with Z while demo'ing it with your client is simply GTG. You're just getting the reps in. My suggestion is if you're not going to continue to demo w/your clients, pick a couple of drills and spread them thru the day: ankle tilts, toe pulls, hip circles, T-Spine, hands--areas with lots of joints to move.

Again, great to see your progress. And yes, even the up dog/down dog combo--very good to do after the Z.

Royce said...

Dude be carefull, you have come so damn far!
Nice job on the jerks though, those things are fun.

Mark Reifkind said...


I agree and even though I have recommitted to doing a neural warmup at 5 am I still think I need to GTG throughout the day with some clients demos. did that today and already feel tons better.Also, I want to say this publicy:

I do still need to stretch though :))

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks royce, I have to remember my main weakness is mobility not strength and train accordingly.

Geoff Neupert said...

"Also, I want to say this publicy:


Dude, you're a knucklehead...

Mark Reifkind said...

Lol! thats MR Knuckle head to you!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...