Been thinking about finally getting a pistol and am vasilating between the sig sauer p220 and the glock 21. Found this very interesting torture test on the glock.
"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...
The Glock also holds 13+1 rounds. I like Glocks, but wouldn't keep one loaded around the house unless it was in a holster. That's just me.
I've got the sig p239 and the glock 22 and 27. I really like my p239 for many reasons. It fits my hand like a glove; it didn't even blink when I put 1000 rounds through it in 2 1/2 days, and it's just a sound weapon. I am not overly fond of the first round's being double action. For those who aren't used to putting rounds through the gun on a regular basis, they can have a tendency to throw that first shot low and to the left from poor trigger control. One other issue that I had with that pistol is how heavy it is. Though I keep it at home and love to plink with it, I found that it wasn't practical as a carry weapon because it was just too heavy for me to wear on my pants. (Others have called that hogwash.)
My glocks are equally dependable and have tolerated a fair amount of use and abuse. My baby glock goes everywhere I go, and I chose it for weight and because it came in well in those places listed above where I felt my Sig fell short of what I needed. It and my husband's identical one sit on the end tables, bedside table, etc. in my home (we have no children), and I have no qualms about that. My glock actually even has a 3 pound trigger pull instead of the factory 5.
I highly recommend finding a range (or buddy) that will let you put a few hundred rounds through one of each of the firearms you're considering. There's just no way to know for certain what fits you personally until you spend some quality time with it. And, BTW, you might also want to look at the Springfield. They make a very nice competitor with a grip safety.
Good luck making your choice!
here in cali we can't get the 13+1 glock. Just has the 8 round mag.
thanks much for the comments and insights. I have put a thousand plus rounds through both the sig and the glock over the years as well as my 9 mm baretta, which I sold years ago( long story).
I know both pistols are excellent and both will do what I will use them for most dilligently( target practice mainly,lol).
Mine will sit in my safe and get pulled out on the weekends for practice.
It's mainly an aesthetic choice at this point as both fit the hand well and I can get good groups with both. I am leaning towards the glock just from the sheer simplicity of it.I shot the springfield xd a few months ago and was thinking along those same lines but really didnt care for it much at all,suprisingly. Just didnt feel right.
I guess one or more test runs before I commit.
thanks again for the comments.
Mark, as someone who has carried both, I would recommend that you try the Browning Hi- Power Practical series. As a carry gun it is one of the fastest and safest I have used and it fits my girl like hands well.
I would definitely get the Glock from what you just wrote.
thanks man but I have shot the hi power and didnt really like it. Since I won't be carrying it and the glock fits my hand very well I probably will go with that. as well as that torture test was very convincing.
Double-action pistols are a solution to a "carry" problem. You keep it in the safe and don't carry? Get a Glock and have the same trigger pull every time, while saving $300 for ammo and extra mags.
Be sure to post pics when you've assembled a nice battery of extra mags and ammo. Excellent choice with the Glock. Too bad CA has capacity issues.
yeah aaron, when I bought my beretta back in the 90's it was before they changed the capacity laws and I could have gotten the glock with the larger mag. Oh well would have probably sold it along with the beretta anyway.
I love my xd, but if you're hooked on the tactical tupperware, I suggest you look at the new Glock 21 SF. The handle has been made a bit slimmer so it's not such a chore to grip it and the slide and rails have been beefed up to look like the xd.
I have thought of getting one to have as a .45 option.
I've been rethinking the 9 mm after seing these ballistics stats
I definitely shoot the 9 either sig or glock much better than the .45 so that might be the way to go.
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