Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Way of the Kettlebell

I love this Japanese caligraphy style kb drawing done by Rannoch Donald RKC, of Scotland. He says he tried to combine the elements of the circle, the figure eight( for the eightfold path) and the infinity sign. I think he did a fantastic job and this drawing captures the simplicty and beauty of the kettlebell much in the same way the actual bell did the first time I saw it.
I think we're going to make some t shirts with this on it. Its the logo for his blog and I think it's the coolest kb logo I've seen yet.
here' s his blog link:


Rannoch Donald said...


You just put a big smile on my face. I got a text from a friend 5 minutes ago saying check out Rif's blog. Thanks for your kind words.

Simplify, simplify, simplify.


Brett Jones said...

Absolutely awesome logo! Great work Rannoch.

Mark Reifkind said...


this thing is better than you think. You need to copywrite or trademark it or whatever it requires so no one steals it.beautiful work.

Royce said...

That is one of the coolest KB works of art I have seen. Whoever gets that on a T-shirt I will buy it in a heartbeat!!

Mark Reifkind said...

exactly royce. I can see it on my coffee mug,lol.

Rannoch Donald said...

Just done a Batch of T's for KBs so no immediate plans for the KB Infinity logo.

I'll have a thing about it. Maybe set it up through Cafe Press. You guys know what the quality of their gear is like?

Mark Reifkind said...


we had the original Girya Kettlebell t shirts done at cafe press and they came out great. Just make sure to get the pre-shrunk hanes heavy duty cotton t's!
Hope you don't mind I used the logo for this blogs. All credit to you of course.

Davie said...

This logo is frickin sweet!

Rannoch Donald said...

I'm honoured to have it on your blog Rif. Thanks for the advice on Cafepress. I'll get it set uo this week.



Mark Reifkind said...

you're welcome rannoch and thanks for letting me use it.I love to look at it!

albina N muro said...

I love this Japanese caligraphy style kb drawing done by Rannoch Donald RKC, of Scotland. reps cpd courses

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...