Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hecht vault

Man I just like looking at this picture. I was very close to being able to do this with a full twist when my college coach, the amazing Neil Schmitt, changed it to a Tsukahara, carthweel/piked back,which was more popular at the time. I liked the full twisting Hecht;no one else was doing it. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Mark Reifkind said...

hey David! hope all is well. good to hear from you.

40 kg Swings 25 x 6, 40 kg belt squat 3 x 10 pistols 3 x 5, pullaparts

 SUPER strong today. Slept really well and was a strong under the bell as I can imagine Best height on swings as well All systems go 40 kg x...