Saturday, August 05, 2006

Nutrition & Metabolism | Full text | Ketogenic diets and physical performance

Nutrition & Metabolism Full text Ketogenic diets and physical performance

A very interesting article looking at carbs versus fats for performance.


Geoff Neupert said...

Interesting stuff, Rif. They still discourage high intensity anaerobic work though. Did you read the T-Nation low carb roundtable? Interesting insights also. Thanks for posting this.

Mark Reifkind said...

geoff,no I havent read the tnation roundable,I'll take a look. beleive me I am FAR from lo carb. just interesting reading.

Sunday 35 lb ruck

 This was decent. Started slow and got a bit better at the end 35 lb ruck 9 laps 1:14 time 15:40 ave pace 4.73 miles SPLITS: 16:15 16:05 15:...