Saturday, April 17, 2010

Max Vo2 High pull/ snatch work

After missing last weeks max vo2 day with the HKC I knew I was gonna pay a bit today and I was right. I've been pretty sore from the Monday press pullup swing day but luckily I woke up feeling the most mobile and limber I have all week.
There's nothing like a good workout, too, to get me feeling 'normal' again, i.e strong and fit. At least for awhile.

Max vo2 hi pull snatch
16 kg
6 sets hi pulls of 8 reps
alternated with
6 sets of snatches, 7 reps
58 total sets
29 of each
203 more snatch reps towards my 50 k goal.( current total=46,773)

Stretched out for 45 minutes as helped Tracy work on her Level 2 skills( which she is making great progress on; she learned to kb jerk in , like , five minutes :)). this always helps,especially in the early workouts.
Nick was out so I was on my own, as Tracy and Meg, while going a 15 sec interval as I was, were doing some heinous max vo2 based workout that involved lots of double snatches. Uh, no. I'll stick with these.
I knew it was going to get ugly when I hit 30 sets and thought, "this can't only be half way- ack".My form and speed held very well, although I was suffering, until set 50 whereupon, my ability to keep the snatch speed up diminished.
I had to slow my reps down in the snatch to hold my form and it put me into my rest period by
2 seconds or so. This kinda jacked my HR from the pretty tough 180+ to well into the 190's.

Haven't seen those numbers( or felt them,lol) for awhile.
Two weeks ago this was easy :))
And will be again but just really hammered home the point of how important consistency in my training is. Especially when I'm only getting in 2 workouts a week, on average. Missing one is a big deal.

I had briefly thought, at the start that I would do 62 sets for a small pr.58 was perfect.

Floor pushups
8 sets of 8

took awhile to find the right groove for my left shoulder, which was cranky as I slept on it wrong three days ago and the levator and ac joint have been slow to release. Found a great no pain position on set 3 and the rest were very solid.

Clubbell shield casts
10 lbs x 10/10 x 4 sets
15 lbs x 5/5 x 3 sets

Reverse shield casts
double clubs, 10 lbs
alternating each side, 10 reps per arm

Just learning this move.

Here's a link to Russell Jodrey doing the move, and very well indeed:

I have a ways to go but it's fun and feels good on the shouler. Can't seem to have too much external rotation, nor strength in that range of motion.


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205 x 4 misses! re tool. bad day

 Little sleep and bad at that. Felt "ok" but then both training partners out but still had a good attitude.The new technique felt ...