Thursday, April 22, 2010

When I could fly.

I forgot, as I often do when I'm feeling 'good', that I am not 43 anymore much less 33. And as much I would like to put my foot all the way on the accelerator, and show people who have never seen me doing anything serious, that I wasn't always this beat up, I have to remember what's really important.

And that's being out of pain and being able to work.
Period. That's first, second and third.And I still tend to forget it as soon as I feel strong again; so compelling, so intoxicating is that feeling of being in the 'zone'. Of easy strength, of unlimited endurance. Of having the body bend to my mind's will. Of being able to push hard and realizing that you not only have another gear but many more.

Those were the days. I have to realize that real max efforts for me, on any kind of a regular basis are just not in the cards.

I have to be, as I put it in my new tag line for this blog; "be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you. I can't command it anymore, I have to wait for it to show up.
And while I wait I still need to train hard, just not be so concerned with the heaviest weights I could use that day. More like what I should use that day.

And take into account all of my life's stresses and restrictions regardless of how weeny that feels to my inner athlete.My inner powerlifter. Just do it.

It's just not smart anymore considering how easily I get tweaked, and how many workshops, dvd's and certs I have on the schedule. Each of them a competition if you will. I have to be strong and fit to demo and teach, not jacked up and gimpy because I had to press the 40 kg that day despite no sleep the night before. I should have learned that lesson by now.

It's just so not fun being the old guy that has to hold back when he knows, knows for sure, that if he had the orthopedics, and age of these other guys that he could compete with ALL of them.No doubt and no brag, just fact.

But I have to let it go and be happy to be able to work all day, and get some decent training in and not be sore or in pain. It's just no where near as fun as feeling the hair on the back of you neck stand up when the adrenaline you just created is making every nerve ending you have tingle with the anticipation of the heaviest weight you have never lifted is about to go down.

Because you have decided it. Because you have seen it. Because you have willed it.And you will make it. But then something is tweaked and then it's not that much fun.

So my ideas about developing a WSB approach to training the KB press are on hold. I just don't have the luxury of experimenting that frequently with heavy bells.

So back to the simplest of simple. The basic moves, done not for killer weight, OR killer volume but just done. to whatever my body says is good that day MAKING SURE I LISTEN TO IT before I decide.

This was third kb workout this week and that's exciting as I haven't done more than two in eons.
I simplified the schedule again

Max vo2 with high pulls and snatches
Two hand CB casts

One arm swings/ heavy
Hi pulls/heavy
2 CB Swipes

KB Press
Bottoms up cleans or two kb clean
CB shield casts


Swing warmups

16 kg x5/5
x10/10 x 4 sets

KB press( one clean per press)
16kg x5/5x2
20 kgx3/3
28kgx2/2 x 3 sets
24kgx5/5x 3 sets

These felt great although 5 reps per arm is boring, lol. As Brett says, anything more that 3 reps is cardio. Have to agree although it was very nice to do 5's with the 24 so easily after the 28.

The 28 did not feel 'light' though,even though it moved fast.

the press definitely feels much easier on my body than the snatch does. I still don't know why that move went south on me. The mvo2 snatch is easier as I don't have to hold the top and that is where the imbalances are catching up to me I think. it's fine.I'm a better presser than snatcher anyway.

I do like doing 2-3 reps with a weight I could do 5's with though. Better concentration on each rep/

Bottoms up cleans
24kgx5/5x 3 sets

these were great!Like these much better than the bottoms up press,lol. Now that I can strict press again.

I just have to make sure that no matter what I do, it doesn't tighten me up too much.I have to stay loose.It's way more important to me that strong now.

Shield casts
10 lbs x10/10 x 2 sets
15 lb x 10/10 x 3

Clubbell swipes
10 lbs x 20 x 3

was inspired to try these again after seeing that video of the german guys juggling the better on the outside of his legs. He used a lot of arm and very little hip action. Lets see if my back will allow this style. I love this move and it's the only thing I don't mind doing reps on.



dbt1959 said...

Gotta tell you Mark I loved this post; at a half century the game just ain't the same; there is still Grace, just gotta take what is offered, and not try to grab more. Hate it and love it all the same. F##k.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks man

it does suck but it's better than being in constant pain and not able to do shit. lots better :))

Authentic Strength Training said...

I freaking hear you! Nice post. We are listening. . . .

Mark Reifkind said...

W2! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting man. Hope you are well.

155-200-180 Chin Press! rolling db ext 3x8 with 25s, laterals, rear delts, rev band curls

 This went great! Tried to just go as naturally as I could and not overthink things. Wore elbow sleeves too and that seemed to help 135x1 15...