Neil Schmitt, my coach and mentor at Iowa.One serious athlete, gymnast,coach and spotter.

Dan Repp, the best ring man I have ever seen. The first guy I met at Iowa and he had the best ring swing of all time, imo.

The little guy to the far right was my head coach at Iowa, Dick Holzaphael one the early great acrobats and gymnasts.

This is God's way of reminding me to ask you if you've ever read anything by Dan Millman and if not, you should start here...
I wish you had shared the story of your first encounter with Dan Repp....funny stuff, but a lesson in "judging a book by it's cover" ,lol!
You're the "real deal" sweetie, and anyone that's never trained, much less competed on an elite level can talk the talk, but walking the walk? That has to be earned.
Know of what you speak.....instead of speaking of what you "think" you know.
Dan was a gymnast at Berkeley a few years ahead of me who pretty much ripped off Carlos Castenada ideas, imo.I've read the books and saw( almost) the whole movie and am not impressed.he was a better gymnast than he was a writer.
I will do a blog post on my Dan Repp story. It's just a little embarassing,lol.
btw I like your blog and added it to my blog list.
Thanks for following along! Casteneda's next on my list, any suggestions on where to start? I was thinking of The Active Side of Infinity or The Fire From Within...
start with Journey to Ixtlan, it's my favorite, and the essence.
his early books had a huge influence on me. He jumped the shark for me after Journey to Ixtlan but no matter, I still love the stuff I got from him.
What a nice testament to the power of "Happy Days" on American jargon!
Bought Journey to Ixtlan today, I'll let you know my thoughts in a few weeks.
I smell blog in the water...
great David, I have a feeling you will love this book.
Mark, Fun to hear we both have enjoyed Cataneda over the years. Just a few years back went back through my various editions. Will also do some inviting early next year to join the old guy contingent in Columbus for the NCAA champs and a visit with Nate and who ever else shows up. Cheers, Neil
thanks so much for stopping by and commenting.I never knew you like Castenada. Shouldn't suprise me though. It would be cool to go to Columbus and see some old friends and teamates and the new young bucks.
take care
I know this blog post is from almost ten years ago, but I was curious if you ever wrote that story about when you met Dan Repp, I would love to hear it!
Abby (Dan's youngest daughter)
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