Saturday, April 24, 2010

Max Vo2

Wow, another good one. I'm on a roll,lol. Had a very rough max workout last week, after missing the previous saturday session and I can really tell just how much consistent momentum helps.
Last week I barely survived 58 sets and was dying from set 30 on. Today I cruised 60 sets, did the last three sets back to back to back; started the sets early and didn't have any letdown in speed of my reps which means my power stayed high the entire time.

Like it's supposed to. Of course my HR wasn't quite high enough which is the sign I am adapting to the workloads and it's time to ramp it up , but one never quite knows until after. I'm on a week to week lease with my body it seems and I have to decide on the fly. I will remember though, that if I feel good the next workout I can safely take it up a notch. I won't be doing this next sat, though, as I have to have a pretty easy day before we do our seminar on Sunday. It's a long day with lots of demo'ing and teaching.

Tracy kicked butt again today, as usual, incorporating one arm jerks into her max vo2 based workout . She picked that movement up immediately and I can tell she really likes it. It really suits her strengths and will let her push her conditioning up to the next notch, wherever the hell that might be,lol.

She also did great pullup work before class as well as getting a very, very strong TGU personal best with the 16 kg AFTER teaching and leading 4 classes last thursday morning. Amazing. I KNOW she will nail her pullup at the Level 2. Strong fixes everything.

Max vo2 based high pulls and snatches
16 kg
60 sets total
alternating 6 sets of high pulls( 8 reps) and 6 sets of snatches( 7 reps)
240 hi pulls
210 snatches( this puts me at 47,00 total snatches in the challenge!)

My groove felt very good, after about 20 sets when I let my body go where it wanted to go, without telling it where it 'should' go.The groove is very different and when Pavel saw it he immediately recognized the idiosycratic nature of it noting my hips traveled "up" at the end of the backswing and not just 'back'. Just like my best dl groove but it looks funky.
At least it felt good and has a 'back sparing' effect; I can really feel the full pendulum as well.

5 sets of 10 I go you go with Nick then:
3 sets of 5's
65 total reps

I was actually hoping to do 10x10 but after 5 sets I knew it wasn't going to happen. 8 sets was good and my tri's were frying pretty well. Just what I wanted.

two hand CB arm cast
20 lbs x 8/8x3
25 lb x8/8 x 2

these went well too but my left elbow started to feel a little tender so I cut things short. discretion and all that.

Warmed up well before hand with lots of hamstring, t spine, shoulder and ab stretches. always helps


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175 x 1 x 5, 185 x 1 x 5 ( layback style) 16 kg five mine 15:15 swing test 100 reps

 This took a few warmup sets ( and almost tweaking my tricep again with  95!) but I think it went well over I just have to 'THINK RIGHT...