Monday, November 21, 2022

Touch and go new/old press technique change. 205,210,212,212, 215

 Decided to go back to the oldest technique I've used, the squeeze the sponge" and drive technique I used to use with the kettlebell

This was the technique I used when I did 215 for 7 singles although it was with a false grip

I have to have speed off my chest and I have to have a 'trigger' to pull to get the press started. or I'm dead in the water

Same as with  my deadlift. I could not just set up, get tight and explode. I had to 'make a move', elicit SOME kind of stretch reflex

And so it is here

It worked pretty  well here today for the first day back at it, although with a full thumb grip which I think makes it easier not to push  the bar forward at lockout

A mistake on the earlier sets was flexing the bar down and HOLDING too long, almost losing the advantage the stretch reflex gave me. In the later sets when I started doing essentially a 'touch  and go' it worked much  better

Just have to get it started

And "internal" stretch reflex

195 x 1 perfect

205 ugly, lost the X
210 x MISS way out in front, then this, Better but still not quick enough touch and go

Then a touch 212.5 but decent

repeat it again

then 215 ugly was well but in the right line. still holding the down part too long
then 205 for 4 singles

these were the best T&G's!

1) elbows up

2) grip bar and toes

3) Spot the X

4) Touch and go launch the bar


wt pushups

3 x 10 with 53

laterals rear delts  3 x 8/8 15s

Mondays for better or worse are the best day for Heavy day. Immediately felt better. Hot bath and an hour mental prep time

BW 175.8
BF 14.3

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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29