Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fast walk

Got my new Salomon XA Pro 3Ds and they felt great. the plan was to NOT go so fast but maintain a consistent pace for all 6 laps. It turned out well BUT I still had reduced dorsiflexion even at this pace (7:15 /.5 mile).
Did not stretch out lower ham or upper calf prior to the walk and that was a mistake. Nothing bad but its clear trying to go fast tightens up those muscles ( left leg only) and is inhibiting

That said solid pace!

2.8 miles
6 laps
6275 steps
43:07 min

ave pace was 7:15 per lap. Outstanding

BW 175.2
BF 13.5

for some reason the heat doesn't bother me near as much without the ruck. strange

1 comment:

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