"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Snatch day
Haven't settled in yet at all to training the snatch on Wednesdays. I know I will but it's not there yet. Recovered well from Tuesdays long cycle high reps but wasn't feeling too peppy when I got back home to Stones gym after 7 clients in a row.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Kettlebell mass.
Reading Ferris's book and thinking about my bodybuilding days and high intensity training really got me up for continuing the mass gains I have been making in the last few months. It hasn't been intentional; this is what happens if you have nice long bouts of uninterrupted progressive training coupled with decent rest, recover and stability in your life.
Can't say the same for my legs which I trained far harder than my upper body in attempts to balance my physique with hardly much to show for it at all, PLUS if you stop loading your 'not natural' muscles they disappear fast. Having to stop squatting and deadlifting because of my back did not help my legs' cause.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Tradition
Well now, the kids are all grown up and Mom and Dad still need to get their workout done and today was no different. Tracy took a poll among her class as to who wanted to come it and train her class as usual and the almost everybody showed up!
As a trainer I have learned that clients LOVE to train on holidays as they can get their workouts in without a rush so I end up working most holidays as well.One of the downsides of my business is that if I don't work I don't get paid. There are no 'personal days' or sick days or paid vacations in my business.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Snatch day two.

Today was the crossover workout as I'm switching Thursdays to snatches and Saturday's main day as swings. I didn't want to use the 24 again today so I went down to the 20 kg and banged out a quick 150 reps with Nick, who had the day off .
Saturday more 28 kg swing volume and clubbell work for Christmas!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Strong is good!
Again, known territory, unvisited for quite awhile but so glad to see still exists. In me too.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
24 kg snatch ladders
For snatches and deadlifts. Good thing :))
Not to be annoying, but how do you break at the knee before the hip without it sliding forward or throwing your body back?
Two hand shield casts
15 lbs x 5/5
20 lbs x5/5
25 lbs x5/5, 6/6,7/7,8/8
these were good but I was pretty cooked by now. Triceps especially.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
One arm swings, 320 reps
This was a grind but a pr grind nonetheless. It was a good decision to take yesterday off and swing today but it was still hard to get started. Late night and early start didn't make things easier either but hey, what can you do? Most times these are the days that produce good results and today was no exception.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Four Hour Body Book Release, Tracy in Pavel's Newsletter and her first article for Dragon Door!
The 4-Hour Body, new book by Com. Tim Ferriss, RKCII, is packed with cutting edge advice on strength training, exercising for fat loss, and injury proofing your body. Become an early adopter today—or wait ten years until everyone is doing it.
Interview with Tim Ferriss, RKCII
about Kettlebells, Preparation for the RKC course,
and his New Book The 4-Hour Body
Q: Now you're RKCI and RKCII certified—what compelled you to take it further? Any tips for aspiring RKCs?
To be perfectly honest, it was less about the tool -- the kettlebell -- and more about the methodology. Allow me to explain:
RKC was the most systematic approach I found for acquiring the skill of strength. This includes everything from biomechanics and leverage to programming. There aren't many certs where you can see someone go from pressing a 24kg bell to a 40kg bell in three days.
The principles of maximal strength that I learned and practiced at RKC apply to barbells and dumbbells -- and the playing field -- as much as they apply to kettlebells. Kettlebells are, however, a fantastic vehicle for learning the principles because, in general, you get more feedback. This is especially true with a diagnostic like the TGU.
For aspiring RKCs, here are some tips. Focus on the swing first. Your snatch will only be as strong as your swing. I've worked up to 50+ continuous reps with the Beast (click to play). It's harder to "snap" with the Beast than the 24kg! You'll notice about 20 DD KBs lining the hallway… Read the complete article
In The 4-Hour Body you will see kettlebells and a number of familiar names, including RKCs Coms. Tracy Reifkind, Zar Horton, and Gray Cook. A chapter in the book has been dedicated to Com. Tracy's kettlebell swing training for extreme fat loss. Perfect timing—Com. Tracy Reifkind, RKC, just released a DVD.
If you searching a brutally effective fat loss and conditioning regimen, you have found it: Programming the Swing. I was so impressed with Tracy Reifkind's innovations that I am incorporating some of them into the RKC curriculum.
Articles for the Party, from the Party
What You Thought You Knew About The Kettlebell Swing…
by Tracy Reifkind, RKC
Last month while attending Hardstyle Ventura, Team Leader Paul Daniels was complimenting me on how I put together my DVD "Programming the Kettlebell Swing" He told me that he thought that it should become "required viewing for all RKC's " One of the points he brought up was that although he was familiar with a few of the methods I've developed and teach, he never thought to put them in an organized progressive way that would make it easy for anyone, including himself a kettlebell professional, to use this most basic of kettlebell movements, the swing, as an end in itself, not just a means to and end…until now… Read the complete article
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Long cycle clean and press , 24 kg.
But it ain't easy,especially as the reps add up, as I found out.
Tuesdays are great because Tracy and I get to train together on the exact same exercise, no small thing and I can push her a bit which is nice for a change.Of course she trained with me after training swings and snatches for 2+ hours, but hey,I'll take it :))
As I did my workout it really got to me how just not very long ago at all I couldn't put any weight over my head without suffering serious shoulder consequences and now I feel like I can actually push myself a bit safely. Nice.
It always amazes me that so many people with healthy uninjured bodies, brand new cars, if you will, that never seem to want to take them out for a real drive; open them up a bit and see what they can do. You don't know what you had til it's gone then it's too late.
6-7 am stretchout.
8:30 am
one arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3
Long cycle clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x4/4
24 kg x5/5
this was seriously hard and easy at the same time!lol.Hard because its a long ass set on ONE arm( about 35 seconds) and then you have to do the other one as well,lol. Easy but I felt like I could just toss the bell around no matter how tired I was getting. Nice. Kinda like the old days; I remember strong. It's still in there.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
24kg Snatch Ladders
Thursday, December 09, 2010
28 kg one arm swing ladders
Was going to train as scheduled yesterday but a new client went over and two cancelled today so I decided it was better to wait until this morning when I had plenty of time and energy to train hard, rather than trying to fit it in when I was mo' tired yesterday.
I knew/ know, that I am running the risk of DOMS catching up to me on saturday when it's time to snatch or press hard but I just wasn't into yet yesterday once I knew I had options today.
One Arm casts
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
The New Floor Pt 2
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Hungarian style snatches

I felt great from Wednesdays one arm swing fest on Thursday and Friday but woke up this morning with some strange cramping in my leg rectus femoris( main hip flexor of the quads) for no damn good reason. I say that the definition of getting old is getting injured sleeping.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
The Four Hour Body National Video trailer
Now it can be told. All those pictures of Tracy on the roof swinging kettlebells were for a video shoot she was doing as part of Tim Ferris's new book "The Four Hour Body" due to release December 15.
One arm swings,Hungarian style
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A new floor.
Then the worm turned and the 24kg started feeling like the 16 kg BUT the 28 and the 32 did not.
Where the new ceiling is I have no idea except that I want to play with the 32 like I did before with the 28 and I want to press the 36 as my peak fairly regularly.
Can't wait :))
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Snatch ladder
Friday, November 26, 2010
Pain is guaranteed; suffering is optional.
"The snatch, not an advanced swing"
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Back in the Cave
Back in the Cave.
Tracy's hardcore, badass classes had infused an energy to the place it just hadn't had before and Nick and I lent our presence and own hardcoreness to it every saturday morning as well. But, as I wrote about before, working out on my own after 7 clients in a row left me a little less than inspired. Especially on Wednesdays when the schedule called for LOTS of swings.
If I started out tired of being there it didn't make sense I would have the umph to push through the boredom and crank out the sets and reps I wanted to do. SO I've gone back to the Cave on Wednesdays and today's workout was a real good omen for the rebirth of Stones Gym and my own personal courage corner.
Maybe it's those platforms :))
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Long Cycle Clean and Press
This is such a great exercise; in some senses the perfect combination of a ballistic and grind move all in one.you have the obvious swing component in the clean,which in my opinions gets little of the respect it deserves, and the strict press, perhaps the basic of all the high tension kb moves, done back to back for any number of reps and sets,or for time.
Monday, November 22, 2010
My training partner, business partner, friend.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Restoring balance.
When I herniated my disc in 2000 all of my rehab training was about asymmetrical movements; exercises and patterns that strengthened my weaker side and elongated, lengthened and stretched my much too tight stronger side.
Same here.
Today I did :))
Two Handed Clubbell Shield casts(alternating)
Five mile ruck
It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...
This has proven to be a most effective method of taping hands as a preventative to tears or after one has already torn.I used it for years ...
KJ killing the Beast. Training to increase Max Vo2 with a kettlebell. I will share with you one of my best advanced protocols for improving...
Brett hits the nail on the head. A post on Dragon Door forum: The One True Way....the speach of domatic zealots (A fanatically committed per...