Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Four Hour Body Book Release, Tracy in Pavel's Newsletter and her first article for Dragon Door!

all in the same day, how cool is that!?!

The 4-Hour Body, new book by Com. Tim Ferriss, RKCII, is packed with cutting edge advice on strength training, exercising for fat loss, and injury proofing your body. Become an early adopter today—or wait ten years until everyone is doing it.

Interview with Tim Ferriss, RKCII
about Kettlebells, Preparation for the RKC course,
and his New Book The 4-Hour Body

Q: Now you're RKCI and RKCII certified—what compelled you to take it further? Any tips for aspiring RKCs?

To be perfectly honest, it was less about the tool -- the kettlebell -- and more about the methodology. Allow me to explain:

RKC was the most systematic approach I found for acquiring the skill of strength. This includes everything from biomechanics and leverage to programming. There aren't many certs where you can see someone go from pressing a 24kg bell to a 40kg bell in three days.

The principles of maximal strength that I learned and practiced at RKC apply to barbells and dumbbells -- and the playing field -- as much as they apply to kettlebells. Kettlebells are, however, a fantastic vehicle for learning the principles because, in general, you get more feedback. This is especially true with a diagnostic like the TGU.

For aspiring RKCs, here are some tips. Focus on the swing first. Your snatch will only be as strong as your swing. I've worked up to 50+ continuous reps with the Beast (click to play). It's harder to "snap" with the Beast than the 24kg! You'll notice about 20 DD KBs lining the hallway… Read the complete article

In The 4-Hour Body you will see kettlebells and a number of familiar names, including RKCs Coms. Tracy Reifkind, Zar Horton, and Gray Cook. A chapter in the book has been dedicated to Com. Tracy's kettlebell swing training for extreme fat loss. Perfect timing—Com. Tracy Reifkind, RKC, just released a DVD.

If you searching a brutally effective fat loss and conditioning regimen, you have found it: Programming the Swing. I was so impressed with Tracy Reifkind's innovations that I am incorporating some of them into the RKC curriculum.

Articles for the Party, from the Party

What You Thought You Knew About The Kettlebell Swing…

by Tracy Reifkind, RKC

Last month while attending Hardstyle Ventura, Team Leader Paul Daniels was complimenting me on how I put together my DVD "Programming the Kettlebell Swing" He told me that he thought that it should become "required viewing for all RKC's " One of the points he brought up was that although he was familiar with a few of the methods I've developed and teach, he never thought to put them in an organized progressive way that would make it easy for anyone, including himself a kettlebell professional, to use this most basic of kettlebell movements, the swing, as an end in itself, not just a means to and end…until now… Read the complete article

1 comment:

Diana said...

My copy is on it's way! I am NOT a reader, however I'm very interested in this book. Not just because of your lovely wife being in it, but to read up on how to make sure I get over these running injuries and prevent them from happening in the first place! I kind of have a rather big run coming up-want to make it a fun, memorable experience!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...