Thursday, December 16, 2010

One arm swings, 320 reps

This was a grind but a pr grind nonetheless. It was a good decision to take yesterday off and swing today but it was still hard to get started. Late night and early start didn't make things easier either but hey, what can you do? Most times these are the days that produce good results and today was no exception.

One arm swing ladders ( in Stone Gym)

16 kg x5/5 x2
24 kg x 5/5
x10/10 x 3 rounds
then: 5/5 x 5 rounds

320 reps /current pr
16,960 lbs

I really love ladders and they let me sneak up on the reps gradually and allow this slow warmer-upper to really get warm enough to do the hard sets easily and strongly. They are perfect for sparing fatigue as you attempt high volume work on any exercise. Tracy is the Queen of Ladders and now I really see why.

MY swing form was spot on too. My new technique works well for snatches and swings , although my clean groove is not the same. I really, really hold the glutes and quads tight at the top of the arc AS the bell falls and try to break late into the hinge and it really keeps the combined centers of gravity over my base(feet) much better and I feel it so much more in my legs and hips and not at all in my back.

Although I still get into my leaning style ,it's later into the arc than before.I focus A LOT on staying flat on my WHOLE FOOT and not getting entirely on my heels or ,even worse, on my toes( that never happens to me- the knee doesn't bend enough for that,lol)

I also try to break at the knee THEN the hip, as bending at the knee 10-20 degrees really engages the glutes ( which is a tough one for me) and provides a stable base, allowing me to hinge from there.

This is what messed me up in the power squat as they require a start with locked knees.If I could have started with a slight knee bench my form, groove and strength would have been much better. Having to try to find that position from a locked knee was never the same.

The key is keeping my entire foot flat on the ground and (trying) to bend at the knee as I hinge.
Nice to feel the whole leg working and not just the back/ hips.It doesn't bother the knees either ;))

I am so glad to be getting back into swing form, it is the Center of the RKC Universe after all and I have to give it it's due.



jockeRKC said...

We were both on the same page today Mr Rif Sir =)
Swing ladders is good, i did my practice with swing ladders to today.

Piers said...

Not to be annoying, but how do you break at the knee before the hip without it sliding forward or throwing your body back?

Nice post though. It's great to be able to see your journey a little. Thanks.

Mark Reifkind said...


not annoying at all, good question. First off the key is setting up prior to the start by bending my knees and getting my weight distributed totally on my entire foot, then leaving that pressure there as I straighten the leg before I rebend and grasp the handle.

sounds confusing but I basically set up the weight distribution first, stand up and then go right down into the start position. This provides some kind of sense memory.

the pic on the blog is the setup before I lockout and rebend.

it's pretty much a simultaneous knee bend/hip hinge but for myself, if I don't focus on bending the knee( AND staying flat on the foot)I tend to just sit back and lose any leg involvement.

the absolute key for me is staying completely flat on my foot until the lockout, where I get on the heels until the bell needs to break between my legs.

I'd do some video tomorrow and post it.


Mark Reifkind said...


very cool dude. great minds think alike :))

jockeRKC said...

hahaha Thanks Mr Rif nut its more like i have learned from the great minds ;)
Like you and Tracy
Thats what i like with the RKC there is a lot of knowledge from a lot of great minds .

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...