Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long cycle clean and press , 24 kg.

As I noted about last weeks press I want the 28 kg to be my new base weight for presses. Short cycle presses, that is, where I just clean the weight once and then do consecutive presses. For long cycle clean and press the 24 is still a challenging weight and it's nice to know it's going to feel light enough to do lots of sets and reps with it with no mental stress.

But it ain't easy,especially as the reps add up, as I found out.

Tuesdays are great because Tracy and I get to train together on the exact same exercise, no small thing and I can push her a bit which is nice for a change.Of course she trained with me after training swings and snatches for 2+ hours, but hey,I'll take it :))

As I did my workout it really got to me how just not very long ago at all I couldn't put any weight over my head without suffering serious shoulder consequences and now I feel like I can actually push myself a bit safely. Nice.

It always amazes me that so many people with healthy uninjured bodies, brand new cars, if you will, that never seem to want to take them out for a real drive; open them up a bit and see what they can do. You don't know what you had til it's gone then it's too late.

6-7 am stretchout.

8:30 am
one arm swings
16 kg x5/5/5/5 x3

Long cycle clean and press
16 kg x5/5
20 kg x4/4
24 kg x5/5

this was seriously hard and easy at the same time!lol.Hard because its a long ass set on ONE arm( about 35 seconds) and then you have to do the other one as well,lol. Easy but I felt like I could just toss the bell around no matter how tired I was getting. Nice. Kinda like the old days; I remember strong. It's still in there.

It's also interesting to note the difference between my lower body and upper body endurance. No surprise, really, considering I grew up on my hands, upside down; but if my shoulders let me I can do really high reps and lots of sets with pretty decent weights and recover very fast. Not so with the legs, hips and back. The opposite of Tracy.

I remember training speed bench with Steve Silver, a legit 500 lb bencher and a solid 230 lbs and being able to use the same weight( 225), for the same reps and keeping the same bar speed for 10 sets of 3 with 2 sets of chains attached ( 80lbs each set),alternating grips each set, with almost no rest between sets and then doing close grips with 275, 315, 325 and 359 AFTER THE main work. Nice.

I thought, briefly, about doing another set of 8's but I was running short on time and the last set of 7 was TOUGH!

Barbarian press

I've played with these before but seeing Scott Sonnon do Barbarian squat presses on youtube yesterday reminded me of them I was very surprised at how much better my lockout was this time than the last time I did these probably almost a year ago.

Tracy has really gotten into clubbell work as well. it's so good for the triceps lats and grip in a completely different way than kbs.

10lbs x5/5
15 lbsx5/5x2
20lb x6/6 x2

looking at the video though I see I still have to keep my shoulders lower at the lockout. no worries this was great and worked the crap outa my triceps and pecs, too. I am so digging the clubbell work these days and still find it the perfect compliment to my kb practice.

Two hand swipes
20 lb cb x10/10 x 3 sets

wow. I got a lot done in a short amount of time this morning. finally adapting to the early starts again,. about time

One arm swings either tomorrow or Thursday,depending how I feel at the end of the workday.



jockeRKC said...

A nice day of work there Mr Rif =)
You are the man ;)

Strength Nomad said...

Hey Rif,
"You don't know what you had til it's gone then it's too late." Good advice. Is there a good resource you recommend for clubbells (beginner) and a recommended weight?
Thanks Rif. -C.J.

Mark Reifkind said...


thank you Sir :))I saw your latest Bb'ing pic. nice. shades of Andreas Cahling, eh?

Mark Reifkind said...

Strength Nomad.

Yes for clubbells Scott Sonnon is the man. His Encyclopedia of Clubbells book and dvd is what I use.

and the Big book of clubbell training


start with the 10 lbers.its WAY harder than it seems

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...