Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Back in the Cave

Both Geoff Neupert and David Whitley, Master RKC's have said to me, independently, that they were glad I was out of my cave, after I started blogging again after a nine month hiatus. Mark Toomey, RKCTL, and Director of American Operations for Dragon Door, at this years Hardstyle Ventura told me he wanted Pavel to "go back in the cave" and come up with some new stuff no one had seen before.

Back in the Cave.

I stopped training in my garage over a year and a half ago for various and sundry reasons. My once proud courage corner is now little more than a storage space with three very sturdy platforms and a few kettlebells.I started doing all my training at Girya and was very happy to feel as if my studio had evolved from just a personal training studio to the kettlebell dojo that I had imagined it could be.

Tracy's hardcore, badass classes had infused an energy to the place it just hadn't had before and Nick and I lent our presence and own hardcoreness to it every saturday morning as well. But, as I wrote about before, working out on my own after 7 clients in a row left me a little less than inspired. Especially on Wednesdays when the schedule called for LOTS of swings.

If I started out tired of being there it didn't make sense I would have the umph to push through the boredom and crank out the sets and reps I wanted to do. SO I've gone back to the Cave on Wednesdays and today's workout was a real good omen for the rebirth of Stones Gym and my own personal courage corner.

It always surprises me when I am unmotivated and tired and my body says YES! to the workload I give it rather than no way.I almost never see it coming, even after all this time in the gym, it almost always surprises me.

I could have done more today,especially given how good I felt but I am cautious and would rather low ball the number than push it.But my swing groove felt smooth, fluid and powerful and the 24 kg was moving like the old days. Chin height one arm swings with a solid connection to the earth and my body rooted strongly.

Maybe it's those platforms :))
Maybe it's Monster Magnet playing on my stereo, too loudly.Luckily my house is a corner lot and my neighbors never complain:))
Just like the old days

One arms swings

16 kg x5/5 x2
24 kg x5/5
x10/10 x 2 rounds
x5/5 x 5 rounds

230 swings
12,190 lbs

was going to go up to the 28 kg I felt so solid but want to nail down at least 400 reps a few times before I go up. Have to earn it, no matter what I did in the past.

Only as good as your latest kill,eh?

All the parts are holding and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kinesio tape.Sometimes I have more tape on me than clothes,lol.

Back in the cave, getting back to basics and the primal-ness of the basic swing.Listening to my body, building back my strength, re serving my reserves and learning what I need to know for Now. For where I am right now.

My timing on today's swing couldn't have felt better and it's a good omen :)) Time to learn some new things.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

this post give me one felling:Grab my bell and go on for a swing session ;-)

Take care!

Mark Reifkind said...

most excellent, have fun! I did.

Anonymous said...

Methinks it was the Monster Magnet. Crazy Wyndorf never fails to make me wanna MOVE...

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...