Friday, November 26, 2010

"The snatch, not an advanced swing"

Great new article by Max Shank on the power of the basic swing. This cuts right to the chase


MKSchinabeck said...

I would have to agree with Max. My training over the past 6 months has proven it to myself. I think I have gained more during this time doing heavy swing intervals than during the previous 2 years working high volume, timed set snatches.

Swings are a tough concept to sell to the average Joe. They just aren;t sexy enough, yet they are clearly highly effective

Mark Reifkind said...


the swing's the thing, that's for sure. but it's hard and it's not sexy and it's just pure hard work.
and the bell won't swing itself.

jockeRKC said...

since watching your wife i have been starting to swing for real.
she gave me a reason and thats go hard or go home

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...