Monday, October 01, 2007

More snatch hell.

How can this max vo2 thing get easier and harder at the same time?Well one way is when you make the reps themselves harder.I focused today on getting a closer and tighter lockout,especially on my right side, before punching it back over the top and that effort ate up the 1.5 seconds I was getting on my other sessions.doesnt seem like much but that 1.5 seconds rest helped,lol. Now it's gone and that 15 seconds rest seemed like 5!
And trying to go fast when you're not ready to sprint is ALWAYS tough. Don't know how Tracy cranks out NINE reps per 15 sec.Freaky! but the key is to dive in and do your best that day and that's how it went. Wind was suprsingly good, even at the end and I think my form is best yet. My stroke is just long and there are just so many ways to speed it up. I think 8 reps per 15 is my max pace..Have to play with that again next cycle after next weeks 50 sets.
Also slowly rebuilding my base shape.

16 kgx45 sets of 15 sec on 15 sec off.
315 reps
11,340 pounds.

Looks better written like that, lol. Not a bad tonnage.

here we are at set 20 my wife is a machine.She's going to take the SSST with the 16 kg for the first time in a few weeks so she is gearing up.

and the ass end of it

Once I get the shoulder to really lock in I can speed this up as well.Have to focus on keeping it close as it really wants to drift to the right.

Rack walks
16 kg barefoot, thick turf
800 feet switch hands every 200 feet
400 feet as above
400 feet as above

1600 total feet
. man this is way tough ON MY ARMS after all those snatches. plus the turf is way tougher on the knee and ankle.but it feels more natural and cushioned and like the right thing to be doing.

Scap pulls
4x10 double red mini

16 kg snatch holds
60 sec x 3 sets each arm.

Not bad over all. GPP is steadily returning. LOTS of Z before during and after sets.Plus tons of it all day long with clients. As well as 15 minutes Rifga stretches.very productive day. still more z and stretching to do before I sleep.

datsit, staying loose.


Jim Ryan said...

Great to hear your form is getting smoother, Rif! I can't imagine doing more than 8 either. 9 swings maybe, but not snatches.

Tracy IS a machine! She didn't even look like she was breathing hard at the end there. Just amazing!

Aaron Friday said...

I think the Z requires recovery like anything else. Please give yourself enough rest when you feel the need. You're snatching like a mad man.

Mark Reifkind said...


you're right. I am trying to do it instead of stretching so much to give it a true test. I am keeping the reps low and do a lot of it seated instead of standing.
It does work on your cns pretty hard in someways.


I think I like the machine gun approach a little better, actually,even if it takes a little off thelockout. I lockout out hard on wednesdays with the 24

Anonymous said...

Hey Rif, thanks again for the trouble shoot of my DL.

If Tracy is at that point were she can do 50 sets of 15/15 with 9 reps per set, she has got two choices as I see it. 1) work on achieving 80 sets in total. 80 sets would mean that a total of 20 min. is spent at the pace that elicits MVO2. (50 sets = 12.5 min)doing more than that I see no point in. 2) She can increase the kettlebell weight. Start the protocol over with a heavier weight. Trying to increse the speed (eg. 10 reps per set) is going to be diffecult if she doesn't work the proticol wit ha heavier weight. then she can always switch back to the size bell she is using now and maybe go even faster.

Great work! the both of you. give my best to Tracy!

take care bro,

Mark Reifkind said...


I think she is going to do the SSST in two weeks with the 16 kgand then she'll decide. probably go with the 16 for the 15/15.I dont' think she is shooting for any more reps per cycle,lol.

Tracy Reifkind said...


Thank you so much for your suggestions!

80 sets/9 reps would not be a problem for me, since I dropped my second snatch per/week workout I feel as if i could snatch the 12kg all day long. It's incredible how far I've come just in the couple of months Mark and I have been doing this. The first time I did 9 rep sets I could hardly breathe between sets!

I've actually trained the MVo2 with the 16kg only a couple of times, once keeping up with Mark.

After I test 10 min w/16kg I'll re-evaluate where I want my training to go.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...