Saturday, October 27, 2007

300 with the 28kg

I knew I needed a back off week from the two pood but I also felt good and wanted to push some aspect a bit.So I compromised and used the 28kg for the one arm swings but went for 300 reps(my goal with the 32 kg).

z drills 10 minutes
rifga 10 minutes
two clubbell swings 10lbsx 20 reps x 3 set

One arm swings

28kgx10/10x15 sets
300 reps
18,900 lbs

this was great. everything felt good and all the reps were strong and snappy.havent felt this strong in awhile,especially after wednesdays slog fest.Plus it was really nice to do some low reps again and focus on acceleration.Pace was strong as well and I lapped my training partners more than a few times.

torch press one bell 3x5 each arm
double torch press 3x5
torch press one bell 15lb 3x5 HARD!
clean to flag press one bell 2x5
flat press two 10lb bells 2x5 easy
clean to flag press one 15lb 2x5 hard!
side press 10lbs 2x5( not sure my shoulder is ready for this move yet)

datsit! This routine looks good, a perfect balance to the swings.The torch and the flag presses are definitely the ones that I need to work on now.Have to start winowing down the movements a bit to focus on my weak points.Nick did 2 sets of 3 with 528 in the squat and looked as strong as I have seen him.With full gear I know he can squat 650.


Aaron Friday said...

This looks great! 300 reps is awesome.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks aaron, next week with the 32kg! this was a good prep week for that.

RMAX House of Power said...


Glad to see your progress with your Clubbells. Be careful not to do too much pressing until that shoulder's up to snuff again. Holds in back position with heavier weight and shallow range partials (lifting the knob directly skyward with the bell perpendicular to the ground) may help restore lost range from scar tissue adhesions.

Be safe and keep me posted on your progress!


Mark Reifkind said...


I am honored to have you here.Beleive me I am going to be very carefull with the pressing as with my particular injuries the shoulder will never be 'normal' again, but still has much improvment to make.
I really like the spiraling motion of the torch presses as it similtaneously locks the elbow and links the arm to the scapula.I can really feel the connection.
With my hyperextending elbows its tough to get resistance in the full lock position.
I have just ( today) started playing with the back positions with some arm casts and mills( very light). I think it holds much promise for increased ROM.
Thanks for the advice and for stopping by. I will keep in touch.

Chris said...


just to let you know I've just received your DVD's. Awesome stuff. I'll send you an email with more comments.


Mark Reifkind said...

great chris, let me know what you need.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...