Sunday, October 07, 2007

Back to the future

Woodward Gymnastics Camp Summer 1977.
I realized months ago that complete rest on Sundays is not only not helpful it is actually detrimental to my performance in Mondays sessions. Doing my Rifga stretches has been a great help when I made myself do them,which was pretty consistent and getting better all the time.Substituted the Z health full body workout and have to say I feel pretty good right now :))
I started out with quite a bit of body tension from yesterdays intense session and a poor nights sleep( for other reasons).
Perfect California weather today, 75+ and clear skies so I did the session in the sun in my back yard and that made it even better. I can really feel the warmth in my (old) bones and now I know why people retire to Florida or the desert. It feels goodand keeps muscles and connective tissue much looser.Especially when you're a buck sixty too.Not enough mass to stay warm.
Took about 40 minutes and I noticed a few new things:
1) I can stand much better on my left leg for the right leg drills than I have in years.many years. and way better than just two weeks ago. My knee used to constantly "adjust" when I stood on it.It hasnt been and the IT and quad stay relatively loose as well.
2) The elbow drills are really hard and have quite the effect on my shoulders, much more than I ever would have thought. I have been saying that my elbows and wrist are the best joints in my body but I can tell they have not been going through full ROMs.This is going to help my external rotation in my right arm a lot,I can tell.
3) The index and pinky lead hand circles are the same thing for the hands as the middle and outer toe pulls are for the ankles. And every bit as important.I have known( anatomy trains) that A LOT of my shoulder problems are traced right back down the arm and into the forearm flexors AND all the way into the hand and fingers.I have done TONS of intense bodywork on people over the years and it was killing me and my shoulders. Really figuring out that these finger leads were not just wrist circles was em.

Good stuff, time for food.Got 50 sets of snatches to do tomorrow, :))


Kettlebell Lady said...

interesting, especially since I was watching gymnastics today on TV.

Franz Snideman said...

Nice pisc Rif! And glad you are enjoying this awesome fall California weather. It's been beautiful down here in San Diego to.

Geoff Neupert said...

Very interesting to read your thoughts on R-Phase. Keep on exploring...

Brett said...

Rif, question for you. I have been following your blog for sometime now, and in fact you and your wife's blogs have convinced me to start training with KBs. I'm a triathlete and runner by hobby, and I want to use the kbs to improve at the sports.

Any recommendations on what I should be focusing on with kbs to improve cycling, swimming and running? High rep swings, for instance? Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work!


Mark Reifkind said...


depends on what you are weak at.You dont want to try and emulate the volume of running,cycling,etc. with reps in the swings. Even if you are like my wife, the swing machine who can do 2000 reps in an hour, that's only about one mile for the run and about 20 minute worth of cycling.
train the energy system you are trying to develop( alactic, anaerobic or max vo2) with the ballistic moves and pure low rep strength for the the aerobic system for your runs swim and cycling
hope that helps.

Brett said...

Thanks, Rif. It does. I have a strong aerobic base, so improving VO2 max, along with general strength seems the way to go. Thanks again!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...