Saturday, October 06, 2007

My old warmup routine.

I really didnt "get" gymnastics til I got to college and spent 45 minutes each day before practice 'playing' on the trampoline. We used to play add-on, which is a game where you do a skill and the next guy has to do your skill plus add one on.You have to do the first two skills plus add another new one. This goes on til someone misses and is out. last one standing is the days winner.We used to have 6-8 doing this and with a group of elite gymnasts the skills and combinations get hairy pretty quick but it's TOO much fun.This guy is bouncing on an "aussie web" bed where the strands are only a quarter inch wide.You stand on it and you go up and down as your heart beats,lol. Very easy to get very high in the air.

When I get back to being able to bounce tramp again I know I have fully healed.oh yeah, that and being able to run again. New knee time soon.


Doubledouble13 said...

Cool video. I hope you are able to bounce again soon. It's such a fun workout and is relatively easy on the body - well, compared to gymnastics and running (I can't run either). But I'm still terrible at add-on :-)

Lauren Brooks said...

Wow that looks super fun! That would be great if you can do that again. I wanna try!

Taikei Matsushita said...

Pressurizing the abs, protecting lower spine kicks in to these moves?

I was once thrown to the air and fell, in course of that kind of rotated my spine a bit too much.

Wish I could have practiced these moves for martial arts.

Mark Reifkind said...

you know takei, when I did all these things I didnt even know I had a body,lol. we had NO coaching as to what to do with any bodypart, more about being able to assume the right 'shape' for the move and do it at the right tempo and height.
this is stuff one usually does when one is young. and that tramp bed gives A LOT. mucho give.
plus a high emphasis is put on getting into the right position.
for MA I think floor exercise tumbling work is better. the floor, like the street, doesnt give and the techniques for falling, rolling, etc are much different.
forward and back rolls, dive rolls back extensions and such would be great for that I imagine.

Mark Reifkind said...

double double, hoped you would see this!interesting video as I used to do this exact combo all the and halfs were so easy and brannies too.I finally learned double twisting backs when on the aussie web the summer of my freshman year and was set to do it as my pbar dismount when I 'lost' it, totally mid season.
could still do it on the tramp, just not the pbars.pissed me off greatly,lol.

Mark Reifkind said...

oh yeah, training to 'get back' my gymnastics body and ranges of motion 'pre injury' has really been of great help.
when you do Z you are supposed to 'shake out the tension' a lot between reps and I found myself bouncing up and down in place, like jumprope or tramp almost by accident, with no pain! this is what made me think I could bounce again.
too many years of wide stance stuff really messed me up. the close stance is what I developed on.

Doubledouble13 said...

I wish I had experienced trampoline before I became injured and cautious but I didn't have the chance. I never got to try a web bed until I was in my late 20's. But I still got to do a lot of really cool skills before the serious injuries set in. I loved doing double fulls on the trampoline, worked very hard on triple fulls but never made one. That really annoyed me :-) Now I don't like twisting (too much pain). I think I have the opposite problem that you do, I can't do a wide stance at all - too many years of keeping my legs together for gymnastics. If you can jump up and down on the floor, it sounds like you are ready for trampoline again. I'll be interested to hear how much the Z exercises are helping (I might just try it one day).


Mark Reifkind said...

interesting, all those years of wide stance squats really messed up my pelvic balanceI have naturally small hips- good for gymnastics bad for back squats) but I can see how the opposite would go too.especially for women with their wider pelvis.
I can also see how twisting would hurt. One of the main cause of my back issues was so much twisting as a gymnast. especially when countercloswisse twisting turns out to me the wrong direction!
I am ambidextrous and would round off right but I back twisted left.I front twisted right,lol!
crazy huh but it really torqued me left to right and with my knee injury bad winding occured.
The z has really helped 'unwind me' even in this short time,although this is exactly the direction I've been headed with my length tension imbalances work for quite some time. square, plumb and neutral is the key and the starting point.

Doubledouble13 said...

Hey, I twist different directions for front and back twisting too. When I was a kid, I twisted left always (I have a right round off) but when I was 27 I signed up for a power tumbling class and the coach insisted I change my back twisting to right or else I could not twist in his class. Since I had no where else to train, I changed my back twisting. That coach quit shortly after and I moved on to another gym. I didn't even realize I was twisting different directions until I learned a half-in, half-out on the trampoline and that coach (different guy) pointed it out. At that point, I had learned too many advanced skills on the trampoline to change anythng so I put up with it. But sometimes it really messes me up when I least expect it, like twisting out of a front drop. Did you have this problem on trampoline? Or did you twist both ways on trampoline basics?


Mark Reifkind said...

I wish my coach had changed my back twist to match my would have saved my knee. I never really could SEE where I was going twisting right; just relied on 'feel', not good. I was always lost on the floor.
when I got to the tramp I had so much height I adapted much better but I would have been much better off back twisting the same way as front and in accordance with the round off position.
I never did tramp routines so it wasnt a problem.

Doubledouble13 said...

Yeah, the trampoline is awesome for twisting. The extra height helps a lot and the extra bounce forces a better set- or else you fly off the back of trampoline :-)

There are many things I wish I had done to save my body too but at least we are doing what we can now to get healthy again.

Thanks for all your replies.


175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...