Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Snatch and push presses.

Recovered very well from mondays max vo2 work. the z is definitely having a positive effect and I find myself stretching less( although still getting on the floor), and having more ROM with significantly less tension and therefore, less pain. As the tension gears up the pain increases and vice versa.
I am purposely NOT doing many stick slides,overhead stretches, shoulder extension stretches to see what the effect of mainly z is on my shoulder. If I can judge at all by my snatch and the push press position it is working great. Just the basic rifga floor work and z . Also hardly having the thump. I still am using it but WAY less. 75% less. Hey no one is more surprised than I am.

Reading Aarons deconstruction of how to approach a locked up joint helped a lot too.Mobilize the joint itself first, then the joint above and below then the corresponding joint on the contralateral side.But I am getting a lot of just full body stuff all day too.One of the benefits of being in a gym for work.Mainly sticking to the feet and ankles,knees, hips shoulders,elbows wrists and some neck. The most basic lengthening drills I am finding incredibly beneficial. Much like the standing posture work I was doing before.
And the slow snatches today were almost fun on the right side. easily the best overhead position I might have ever had since I stopped benching and tried to restore my overhead ability.I did almost NO overhead work during my powerlifting years. I did lots as a bodybuilder and some at the start of powerlifting but as the bench weight went up they went out. Whatever it took for the number. Good for the numbers not for the body. Then I realized it was gone and not likely to come back easily.Until the kb.

So today was solid and each hold was 2-3 seconds long.each set one minute plus.

16 kgx10/10x2 sets
24 kg x10/10x5 sets
100 reps

5300 lbs

these were solid and it seems to work to use these as a warmup


24kgx7/7x8 sets
112 reps

212 reps
11,236 lbs

very solid and the lockout was the best yet.have to really focus on keeping the right arm down the midline or it drifts laterally and that doesnt help the lockout at all.Descents were easy and no hand stress,getting it into the hook better.

One arm pushpress
50 reps
2650 lbs.

wow these were very solid and I wasnt rotating on the right arm at all! The bell path was very confortable.This is much better than even saturday. really could feel my legs working and I was even coming up on my toes to finish the extension which is something I haven't been able to do without wrecking my left knee in shoes.

datsit, more z for me.


Brett Jones said...

Really incredible Rif! Glad the Z is having benefits for you - talk to you soon.

Aaron Friday said...

I'm happy for you, Rif. Seems obvious that the current path is working well.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...