Monday, October 08, 2007

50 sets of snatch fun

The forth time going from 35-50 sets of snatches in the 15:15 protocol. This was by far the easiest and strongest peak to a cycle yet.For some reason the video did not activate so I have no great vids of me breathing like a freight train and Tracy calm and cool.( she continued her snatch workout RIGHT AFTER doing 15 sec sets of 8 reps and a transfer each side for 7.5 minutes with out putting the bell down. Right after 400 snatches in 25 minutes.
Yeah hardstyle doesnt build work capacity :0)
My overhead position on the right wasnt as good as last time as I didnt take enough time to open it up before hand.Not bad but not as easy as I wanted.Z, like the stretches, opens me up but life closes you down until you get those old dysfunctional patterns that are producing the tightness replaced. I'm patient if I'm anything.Snatch technique felt the best ever though and I still got 7 in 13.5 sec with some decent overhead positions.

Snatch 16 kg
15 sec on/15 sec off
50 sets 7 reps per cycle
350 reps
12,600 lbs

One arm swings 16 kg
15 reps per side, rest 30 sec 15 the other side
120 reps
4320 lbs

Did these as just extra mileage, I thought, but it turned out to really tighten up my swing form, which I havent done 'light' since I started the max vo2 work 9 weeks ago.
I think I am going to do a cycle of 15 sec set swings with the 20 kilo for 6-8 weeks and really work the crap out of my swing . Only having to do one arm at a time in this manner should be interesting. I will still snatch on wednesday and I might though in some long timed sets for fun as well.

Snatch holds
16 kg x one min 3 sets( these are alwasy harder for me than the heavier ones!)
did a nice 10 minute section of Z while I watched Joe DL and opened things up. This was good.

Rack walk 16 kg( on pavement/shoes)
1200 feet continuous switch arms every 200 feet.
man the pavement is easier than thick grass and barefoot! have to alternate these.

So thats it
Timed snatch sets with 16 kg
speed swings 15 on 15 off with 16 kg
rack walks 16 kg

24 kg comp snatches: five rep per arm/ ssst style sets.
24 kg push press,short cycle for 5-10 reps/set
16kg rack walks.

24-32kg one arm swings:10 reps per arm/ssst style
16 push press for 3-5 min sets per arm
24 kg snatch holds
and I have to figure out where to put the clubbell work. They should be here in a week!

datsit,staying loose.


Anonymous said...

strong work Rif! Awesome!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks kj.I am going to do some speed swing work in the same format for the next 4-6 weeks and then come back to the max vo2.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...