Monday, June 27, 2005


Solo training again today and I got to train early as well. That is always a big thrill for me as I normally have to train after a full days work, pretty beat up. Training first thing is the best. I make my best gains if I get to train first. You give it your freshest energy and first priority.

I have to learn to experiment and play again in the gym, against the backdrop of simple exercises and a linear progression! LOL!! Two fish in opposite directions, thats me.
My snatch form has to reflect that. My DARCs are so good I need to get that into the snatch pull.

one arm swing warmup: committed to FULLY warming up before pushing it, no matter HOW long it takes..


snatch( ALL sets start with right arm)

53x6+6 using a steve cotter style hip throw it off then overhead in vertical pull
53x8+8 ragged, trying to hold static at top on right arm.
53x10+10 better push hips back AS I flip the wrist.keep bell in CLOSE on descent.
havent done THIS in awhile. its tough! snatches are tough!its not a swing and its MORE than a swing. the shoulder stability thing is huge.
72 reps

42 reps

total=114 got to keep track of volume really is, as Louie says, math and physics. Oh, and Will.

one arm swing
72x8+8x3 this was stronger but still feeling formidable. Have to get stronger! more intention!work towards some numbers.

one kb front squat
72x3+3x2 not bad at all! stronger and deeper than last time I did them.

great workout. Simplicity is great. Simple and hard.

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...