Monday, June 20, 2005

solo training

Havent trained by myself in some time. I used to train solo all the time.Its harder and easier at the same time. Getting past inertia is definitely harder by yourself. There is no one there pushing you forward and getting started is tough. yet once I get going it is easeir. I only have to listen to my body and feel my own rythyms. I can train totally at my own pace,changing on the fly without having to discuss or explain things.

Workouts tend to be shorter, too.

36x5 swings and 5 snatches per arm x 2
53x5+5 tweaked my right bicep/forearm on the first set. dammit. not bad but irritating.
53x5+5 x7 sets. arm is ok but I hate this injury. Didnt warm up enough. Most of my workout should be warmup it seems. :((

H2H flips
36# kb x20 two hand 360 deg flips x 2
36x10 flips per hand x2
36x10 flips per hand then 20 two handed flips

these are fun but I am worried about the biceps

36x4+4 x2 man these are tough after snatches
44x5+5x3 these are always a challenge for me.even when they go well.

kb front squat
53x6+6x2 sets not bad. started slowly but warmed up well. legs need these.

bosu ball squats 20 reps easy

bosu bal pistols : well well well. I almost did a pistol with my right leg and can see that I will be able to do least on a bosu. AND I TRIED ONE WITH MY LEFT LEG holding on for balance. this is the first time I have even tried it and it went fairly well. Who knows. anothe KB WTF effect.

Farmers walk
(2) 53's x 2 laps

ice and emu for the arm now.

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