Friday, June 17, 2005

KB Basics

I think its a good idea to start each workout with some type of swing for awhile. I need to get this done much better. I can do it but I am not STRONG in it.And it is the basis for all the dynamic kb movements, the root. I have to get better rooted and swings are going to help that.

I also am going to take a hard style approach to it, going for multiple sets of lower reps and using compensatory acceleration. One, I much prefer training this way. It's much akin to powerlifting, especially the WSB approach with box squat doubles done for 12 sets with 45 sec rest /sets.Chains and bands accomodate resistance and you push as hard as you can as long as you can. Overloads the entire movement, much like kettlebell swings.

AS long as you are not coming off the ground you can apply force and overload the body.

Two, I despise doing low intensity high reps sets where the mental focus is putting out as LITTLE energy as possible. Just aint me. Too intense for that. I can do a hundred sets of ten but dont make me do 100 reps at once.

two hand swings and H2H between 20 and 30 reps and one arm swings 10-15 each side( consistent energy range between 40 and 60 seconds. Lactic acid system. done for multiple sets. 85-90 percent recovery between sets.


one arm swing
53x10+10x3 sets/ really reaching back and snapping hips hard.
72x10+10 this was REALLY hard. max effort each rep.

360 deg swing flips/two hand
36x20 I love these
53x20 man the hands get off if they get tired!
53x20 Its wierd. I can do sets of 20-30 in H2H movements easy but in full swings they KILL!

36x5+5 first sets on right side were full to the ground. getting consistent good starts now
53x5+5x2 these are getting solid.

kb lunges, low rack
53x8+8x3 gots to do those legs now. these felt good. needed to get back to the low rack for glutes and lower my center of mass.

kb walk.low rack
53x2 laps have to do these too,even if I dont do much. they always help leg strength..

the key to strength is effort it seems. more than anything.maximum effort.

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