Wednesday, January 26, 2022

185 x 3 singles x 8 sets, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 As usual did not feel any soreness until it was time to train,lol. But tired too. Literally zero prep time from last client to walking in the gym and it's frozen tundra in the gym as usual but once I got warmed up it actually felt really good. timing worked well and I was able to keep my knees locked at the start pretty  well

65 85 105 x 2
135 x 2
155 x 2 singles
175 x 1
185 x 3 singles x 8

I had delusions of going up to 190 after 4 185 set but though better of it even though they were moving well
Sets 2,4,6,8

24 kg swings 5 x 8/8

floor pushups

Pushing muscles really  tired but good pump too

BW 174.2 !!!
BF 14.

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35 lb ruck Another awesome fast one

  35 lbs 4.65 miles 1:13 min 15:46 ave pace 15:07 last mile THIS feeling, THIS flow state is what it's all about for me 3 miles in 48:29