Wednesday, May 12, 2021

175/185 lb press technique work, 24 kg swings, floor pushups

 Great day! technique held perfectly and timing was spot on. Couldn't be happier.  Of course it's light but  timing can go bad even on light days

the cue list gets shorter all the time

* Low bar rack setup

1) unrack- lock glutes

2) lack back

3) press straight up

the hardest part is laying back enough at the start BEFORE , but just right before I initiate the press. If I press too soon, OR don't layback enough, the bar goes forwards

Also, I don't have to push my hips forwards as much as just flex the glutes tight and the hips lock in. Almost no knee leaking today which can happen regardless of the weight

175 lbs  x 2 third set- decided to not do two singles but a regular double. worked great

Fifth set
185 lbs x 2 third set
fifth set
Couldn't be happier. I think that no matter how Monday max effort goes this is the setup and technique. I don't think I can do it any better given my shoulder limitations

Another good point; my shoulders were not sore at all after monday's work. usually I'd be sore as hell

24 kg swings

5 set of 8/8  strong!

Floor pushups

3 sets of 50 last set really hard

BW 177
BF 14.0

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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...