Saturday, November 02, 2019

205 press x 4 singles, 210 2 misses,20 kg snatch 25/25,laterals, schedule change

Should have been a good day but it wasn't. Lots of prep time and body felt good til later Friday when my biceps tendon started yelling a bit and I had to work it. Felt fine after sleeping but it almost always happens on a Friday when the week catches up  to me and out of the freakin' blue something demands attention.

So I wasn't quite confident about the shoulder this morning and it was freezing cold. I definitely have realized ( although not really accepted) that cold morning press days do not lend themselves to max attempts

I just may have to really lengthen the warmups or something because a good nights sleep, a stretchout and plenty of hot bath didn't make much different when i got to 210 so fast.

Now, all things considered my performance wasn't bad but I false started twice with  both 205 and 210 and that wasted energy or sure. Just rushing the start and pushing the bar forward out of the gate. I don't even try to save it and just let it drop. But it's a waste and messes with my head
Thank goodness for the powerrack and this monolift setup. It's a game changer

65,85, 105 x 3
135 x 2 eh
155 x 1 decent
175 x 1 same
195 x 1 strong, actually
205 x X then immediately again x 1 hard but ok after false start here for first attemt
210 x X out in front, immediately try again x X
210 x X AACK better attempt just mental mistake really rushing the setup. the weight has my number today. Also switched to 35 lbs plates instead of "change" and I can swear it makes a difference even though is shouldn't
205 x 1 x 3 hard but doable, calming down and not rushin
200 x 1 very strong rep! fuck

8 attempts at 93% of max to 96%

I guess it's not too bad.:) plus I was 173 this AM nice and plump!

16 kg x 4/4
20 kg x 6/6
          x 25/25
          x 15/15
92 reps

3 x 7/7 with 20's

not that bad effort wise but hell I hate high rep ballistics! even with anatomical breathing. Just aint my thing. I can do it, if I have to but I really don't. time to change this
25 and 25 was my official RKC snatch test back in 2005 and it's not a bad way to do it. For my age the test weight is 20 kg so I'm right there. This 5 min 100 rep shit is too glycolytic!

Going to change the schedule again, doing intense snatches on Sat won't be good for heavy swing mondays.

Heavy Press

Floor Push-ups

Heavy Swings

Wt pushups

Medium Press
Light snatch ( to be determined sets/reps)

BW 173
BF 12.7
W 58.1

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175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...