Wednesday, July 31, 2019

44 kg One Arm swings 10x7x7,pistol practice, floor pushups, laterals

Not enough sleep last night and was feeling sluggish day. This was a good test of this schedule and it came out fine, even for the heavier bells and decent reps.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5
20kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 3/3
36 kg x 3/3
44 kg x 7/7 x 10
140 reps
13,580 lbs
RPE 8.5
 pretty fast pace, total about 25 min work sets

Pistol practice
3 sets of 4/4

Floor pushups
3 x 20 reps

decided to switch this day to the heavy weighted day next week . I think this will prep me better for Saturdays' press

3 x 8/8 with 15s

BW 174
BF 13.4

Monday, July 29, 2019

Light press, walking lunges, wt pushups, laterals

Can't believe how much better I like this new schedule. Once saturday is done the pressure's off and today's light day is refreshing, especially mentally. I think my recovery is going to be much better on this schedule as well

65,85 105 x 5 paused top and bottom
117 x 5 x 5 paused as well

very strong and the technique of starting and aiming for the clavicle is going to be a game changer. THIS is the trigger that sets all the other techniques in motion correctly!

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps
time to add weight

wt pushups
bw x 10
53 x 10 x 3

3 x 8/8 20s

BW 172.3
BF 13.3

Sunday, July 28, 2019

HOT Ruck

Man it's been seriously hot again so i got out extra early but it so not my favorite environment to train in
But I'm as freaking strong as I've ever been with this as long as my "want to" is there, lol
One thing yesterday's training showed me is that the training I've been doing these last years is definitely working!
I'm strong and my endurance is solid

48 lb Ruck
12 laps
11 squat stretches
2 hours straight up
last lap 6:55!  not bad at all

legs just heavy from yesterday

BW 173.4
BF 13.7
W 57.3

Saturday, July 27, 2019

195 lb Press 5 sets of 1 PR, Quick& Dead swing test 28 kg swing series, laterals

Well this went stunningly well! Really could not have asked for a better workout. Exactly the weight I had hoped for and all the reps went as desired. And singles are much different than reps, as I found out at the end

65, 85, 105 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 1
175 x 1 fast!
185 x 1 strong!
195 x 1 x  5 sets PR
  the above video is the second set , third was better, and fourth was out in front a bit but I pulled it right in and it barely stalled! that was strong
180 x X pushed too fast and it ended up in front
180 x 1 + miss ( groove totally off for reps)
180 x 3 Pr  ( I was hoping for five actually and if I hadn't messed up the first two attempt might have got it

Forgot this amazing breakthrough on bar position in the rack: THE HIGHER ON MY CLAVICLE THE BETTER! It makes a huge difference the last two workouts. Sets up a lot of thing that I don't have to consciously do anymore. Just can't be on the throat but right below. I think it also help me get to the layback position more easily as the bar's center of mass is now higher  and almost forces me to lay back- but not too much or I'll feel loss of balance starting. You can see it in the video. I layback and almost lock in at the start

The key to getting the right position is screwing that bar into the clavicle just prior to the un racking. Pull it in, set it in from upper back tightness then swing under the bar and UP.The bar's in the right position.

Also, and I did NOT do this Saturday, is to aim for the high position as I descent from overhead. I THINK that will negate having to over control the mechanics of lowering ( i.e. move from the shoulder first and then the bar, etc)

We'll see tomorrow but forgot to put this in yesterday

Quick and the Dead swing test
32 kg
left( non dominant arm)
19 reps in 30 seconds with almost no loss of power

right dominant arm

This was hard but I was VERY happy with the power output speed of each rep as well as height of each rep on the test.the bell felt very light and moved great.

5/4 series ( two)
28 kg
5 reps every 30 seconds for 4 sets right arm
one minute rest
5 reps every 30 seconds for 4 sets left arm
repeat twice
40 total reps

the test took something out of me! I could have used the 32 but did not want to
One thing this tells me is that my current training has worked very very well for power and strength production

2 sets of 10/10 15s

BW 173
BF 13.7
W 57.3

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hard ass hot ruck

Man this was tough. As soon as I hit the street I felt like I was in a no air sauna. Then, it got worse for about three laps then the endorphins kicked in and I could embrace the suck. Til then it really sucked. But legs were ok and pace was solid, just so freaking hot. At least 90 deg.

then it got pretty fluid and I actually timed the last lap and got a 7:03 which is really incredible. I was close to sub seven too. That says tons about my conditioning at this point

48 lb ruck
6 laps
55 min
last lap = 7:03

BW 171
BF 14.2

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

44 kg one arm swings 10x5/5, pistol combo practice, wt pushups, laterals

Ok this schedule change is going to work. this wasn't bad at all, and in some ways better than Sat am's. But, I was doing 5's and not 10's but not sure I'll be going back again to 10's for awhile

But today went well

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 5/5 x 10
100 reps
9700 lbs
2 min rest between sets
19:25 total  min

I set out to do 10 reps every 3 min but it was too long so I compromised on two minutes. But I'll have to work into this.

Pistol practice
 changed it up a bit to include a single rep after the concentric start. It really worked well and did what I hoped it would do: make a path for the eccentric after the concentric onlyh

2 x 2/2 conc only
2 x 2/2 combo

Parallel pushups
bw x 10
53  x 10 x 3


3 x 10/10 15s

BW 171.8
BF 14.3
W 56.9

hot as HELL today. 95 easy in the gym

Monday, July 22, 2019

Light Press,walking lunges, floor pushups, laterals

This was  great to  not have a heavy, intense day today. I haven't realized just how much trying to get it up( pun intended) for my most important day of the week. Having it already over and just a light practice really made my mood better. Much more relaxed and nothing heavy til Wed swings

105 x 5
115 x 5 x 5 all pauses and holds

this felt great.

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 feet

Nice to really be able to concentrate on it tii

Floor pushups

could have gotten 45 on third set but didn't want to adrenalize at all
this was good.

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 172.0
BF 14.1
W 57

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Fast Ruck

Interesting rucking today after NOT doing heavy swings yesterday. legs were definitely fresher than they have been but I got talking with neighbors when i got there about some local issues and that cost me 10 min
So I did almost no squat stretches trying to make up the time and came close
I told myself on the 11th lap that if I could pull a sub 7 min lap time I would just go home
And I did, by 1 second.
Called it a ruck

48 lb ruck
11 laps
1:55 min
Three squat stretches
6:59 last lap

BW 171.8
BF 13.8

light work all around tomorrow which sounds great! I can definitely see this new schedule working out just fine

Saturday, July 20, 2019

210 lb press pr,20 kg speed swings 20 min,laterals

First day of the new schedule and it worked great! Started off a bit strange and I had my doubts but it soon showed that it is definitely the best way to maximize my heavy press training. With a PR no less. Not the prettiest thing but it definitely was strong. I almost passed out during the lockout which is why it really wasn't finished but I was going to breathe a bit but was scared I'd miss the lockout, lol.

Still it went very well

65, 85 105 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
175 x 1 fast!
195 x X don't know what the hell I did but it was way off the front! I believe I thought 'elbows' too much,lol
195 x 1 strong
210 x 1 ( close enough,lol)

20 kg speed swings ( done if Q&D style)
5 reps every 30 seconds
20 sets ( 100 reps)
rest 1 min
10 sets ( 50 reps)
150 total
6600 lbs

this was strong! every rep max power and acceleration. Will do the actual testing for the correct weight next week but this moved well

3 sets of 8/8 20s

BW 172
BF 12.5 ( no bath)

this is interesting

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hot Ruck

A very strong one today. And a VERY hot one. I didn't enjoy it one second but my legs were strong and I could just keep going. And the heat was decently tolerable. For a change there was no reason to slow down or even think of cutting it short! and decently fast too. Last lap was 7:23 which is amazing, actually

48 lb ruck
6 laps
54 min
last lap =7:23 !

BW 173.
BF 13.8

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A truly brave man ...

“A truly brave man is ever serene; he is never taken by surprise; nothing ruffles the equanimity of his spirit. In the heat of battle, he remains cool; in the midst of catastrophes, he keeps level his mind. Earthquakes do not shake him, he laughs at storms. We admire him as truly great, who, in the menacing presence of danger or death, retains his self-possession; who, for instance, can compose a poem under impending peril or hum a strain in the face of death. Such indulgence betraying no tremor in the writing or in the voice, is taken as an infallible index of a large nature—of what we call a capacious mind (Yoyū), which, far from being pressed or crowded, has always room for something more.”
― Inazo Nitobe, Bushido, The Soul Of Japan

40 kg swings 10x5/5, walking lunges, wt pushups , laterals

First day of the new schedule. heavy swings today instead of max vo2 swings and I really didn't miss that ,lol. The only question I had was how I would feel swinging heavy bells at that time. It was fine
Still getting in this pool slowly. definitely in no mood to tweak anything

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 4/4
28 kg x 4/4
32 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 5/5 x 10
100 reps
8800 lbs

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40 steps

Wt parallel bar pushup
bw x 8
53 lb x 8 x 3

laterals 15's x 3 sets

BW 173.4
BF 13.5

Saturday should be fun :)

Monday, July 15, 2019

215 Press attempt(s), 36 kg belt squats,floor pushups, laterals

Weird one. Definitely not enough sleep, about 6 hours. But good sleep and the alarm had to wake me up. Whenever that happens it seems I'm in a haze for the rest of the day and today was no exception. Felt strong though , just flat. Definitely no energy nor desire for grinding out 5 sets of any reps today so I settled in singles and a 215 lb attempt. My warmups told me I made the right decision. 215 lbs told me otherwise though.

Played with the false grip and it worked well til 215. 195 lbs moved fast than ever. Glenn thought it was 175! and that's a great sign all around.

The false grip, as I knew, is easier on my shoulder ( don't have to think about keeping the elbows in) and really is strong off the bottom with triceps but definitely takes away from the lockout which is already a weak link. I don't think I need to experiment with this again. False grip is not going to get me to my pressing potential overhead. Unfortunately.

Just no oomph at all. I took a 10 min power nap before the training and that seemed to help a bit but I am ready to switch this day to Saturdays and come at it fully coffee'd up and mentally focused. I'm sure it will take some time to get used to but I have to commit to giving it a full chance. It really can't be worse than Mondays

65, 85 105 x 3
135 x 1
155 x 1 Fast!
175 x 1 Fast ( all false grip)
195 x 1 Fast!!! best ever
215 x X
215 x X
207.5 x X x 2 this would have gone if I had tried it earlier

On video review I can see that at the sticking point I push my hips forward and that causes the bar to drop. It looks like I need to actually lean back more, or, at least, STAY in the position I'm in but  NOT drive hips forward which is opposite to what I thought. this might be just with the false grip

Just have to remember with the thumb wrap grip to drive with elbows in. the false grip doesn't allow the elbows to internally rotate, which is great for the start but bad for the lockout. Just have to remember to keep the elbows in on the drive with the wrapped thumb

36 kg belt squat
 12,13, 14, 15

legs still tight and tired

Floor pushup
2 x 52 surprisingly strong

laterals with 15's 3 sets

BW 172.2
BF 12.9
W 57.9

Wednesday we'll shift to the new schedule with moderately heavy swings probably 40 kg for 5's and Saturday starts it in earnest. Not sure what I'll do but probably take another swing at 215

Sunday Ruck

 Not bad, just heavy legs. More fatigued than I would have thought from the 60 kg but I was strong and the power output must have done it
Plus, the longer pauses on the pistols. But good training all in all
 Got out early - 6:30 and it helped. Cool breeze and nice overcast skies. Everything went fine  just not super fast or easy work. But it got done AND the last laps was fast, 8 seconds faster than last week. That's a good sign

48 lb ruck
12 laps
8 squat stretches
1:55 min
Last Lap 7:08

BW 172.4
BF 14
W 57.1

Saturday, July 13, 2019

New Schedule Coming!

It finally dawned on me how crazy it is to have my most important workout of the week, my press practice, on the day I am most tired and beat up

When I was training for general recovery and rehab and then the swing tests it made perfect sense to have Saturday, which is always reserved for the most important workouts, as swing day.

But the swing is not my main focus now, nor is leg training for TKR rehab but conquering the standing press. And that means not doing it after a hellish swing day followed by an equally brutal heavy ruck then a hard Monday client load  and all in a fasted state!

Being able to have two full rest days prior to Saturday's presses will be heavenly! Then being able to devote my full attention to the mornings training AND train fully caffeinated will be great!

It certainly will take some getting used to but so be it. The time has come

Here's the schedule

Standing press heavy
Speed swing VO2

Standing press light
Walking lunges
Floor pushups

Heavy One arm swings
Wt pushups

this last day will be the biggest challenge- to see if I can keep the loads and intensity that I get on Sat on Wed but even if I can't so be it. I can't serve two masters and right now the press is number one

I'll start this next Saturday. The rest of this week will be as usual

60 kg One arm swings 10x5/5, pistol hold practice weighted pushups, laterals

This was strong and weird at the same time. Had a hard time finding the groove plus  my left wrist was not seated right and that distracted me. But, I felt very strong and the weight wasn't an issue. Which might have been part of the issue.
Not scared enough, perhaps

Power output, float and bell height look much better on video than it felt at the time but it's better that way than the other

One arm swings
16 kg x 5x5x 2
20 kg x 5
24 kg x 4
28 kg x 4
32 kg x 4
36 kg x 4
40 kg x 4
44 kg x 4
48 kg x 4
60 kg x 5/5 x 10 sets
100 reps
13,200 lbs work

grip strength, out side of the wrist issue was good

Pistol hold practice

these felt great and the holds were no problem. I do prefer the alternating technique for my strength level right now.better practice , less overload
Should add in a full rep after one concentric only though soon

Weighted parallel pushups
bw x 12
53 x 12 x 3

3x 8/8 with 20's

BW 172.2
BF 12.5 Bath
W 58.3

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

20 kg speed swings 36 x 8,105 lb press paused 5x5,walking lunges, laterals

Today was solid. Not fantastics but no real issues, either. Energy and focus were decent as was strength. Mind was there too.

20 kg speed swings
36 sets of 8
244 reps
12,672 lbs moved
RPE 7.5

Decent power height and recovery

105 x 5x5 all paused
 these went very well. Need something really light and fast today. this was it

Walking lunges
4 laps of 40
legs were burning. slow and deep

3 x 10/10
   x 8/8 x 2 with 15s

BW 174  !!
BF 13.6 WTF? Feel lean though, and big

Monday, July 08, 2019

175 lb press 1x4,3x5,2x3 PR, 32 kg belt squats, floor pushup pr, laterals

This did not go well. Everything was off although I felt strong and ready. I just couldn't seem to really connect to the movement and everything felt disjointed. Allergies kicked in and breathing was hard, just what I needed for five rep sets!
First set was a disaster as far as breathing and technique and focus. Pretty much everything. I was lucky to get four. I just didn't get the breathing right and I was out of breath for rep five!

Pulled my head out of my ass on next three sets but they were all over the place. Pretty much pure strength, which is good, but strength won't get me to 225. I need the timing and the technique.

Body felt fine but I think I just need to warmup slower and more focused. More shoulder opening stretching and mobilization before I press

Upon watching the video I can see my elbows were NOT staying in and the bar was being pushed forward! Just sloppy. Strong but sloppy.
haven't had to worry about my elbows at all lately.

65, 85,105 x 3
135 x 2 fast!
155 x 1 fast too!
175 x 4
       x 5 x 3 sets
       x 3 ( out of gas)
       x 3 perhaps the best set of the day

Yesterday's super strong ruck, while fun, did take something out of me I think, too

32 kg belt squats
3 x 20 non lockout Nice!

Floor pushups
3 x 50 PR tie!!!
this was very surprising!

tells me that mainly it was stabilizers that were fatigued

One arm laterals
20 lb x 3 x 8/8 really liking this version

bent laterals
3 x 6-8 with 20's

BW 172.6
BF 13.5

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Cruise Control ruck

Finally! The legs were on cruise control and right from the start the ruck was on auto pilot. this is the flow state I live for and what used to come around quite often when I was an endurance state. But it comes much less often with so much heavy anaerobic work and even my endurance work is weighted.

So when my legs finally aren't ( for some reason ) feeling the last workout I did the day before it's awesome

Then, combine it with unseasonably cool morning temps and a beautiful overcast sky I was moving well, and easy, from the start

48 lb Ruck
12 laps
8 squat stretches
1:50 min
RPE 6.5
Last lap 7:15 ( and it was pretty easy )

I think the 11 min glycolytic work I did yesterday actually primed the pump a bit.
Either way it was very very nice to feel

BW 172.2
BF 13.6
W 57.8

Saturday, July 06, 2019

48 kg One Arms swings 10x10 in 11 min,concentric pistol practice, parallel pushups, one arm laterals

This turned out interesting. On my own today and once I got started noticing I was going set to set pretty quickly. At set five I was only five min in so I decided to try to push things a little and get the rest of the five in  in five minutes making 100 in ten. twice the time of Sinister test but I haven't trained at all for it so I would be interesting

Didn't quite make it but close. 11 minutes and I didn't suffer too much at all, and, swing quality was solid throughout

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 4/4
36 kg x 4/4
40 kg x 4/4
44 kg x 4/4
48 kg x  10 x 10 on the minute ( close ) in 11 minutes

Concentric pistol practice

these went great, and the first time trying them, actually got deeper in the squat as I shifted over. the balance point seems right, lets see if I can work up to holding the bottom position and then let go, then come up. that would be the progression
even if I have to let go, static hold , then re grab and stand

4 sets of 3/3

Parallel bar pushups
12, 14, 16, 20

no way to add the sandbag

one arm laterals
3 x 10/10
rear delts
3 x 10

15 lbs

BW 171.4
BF 12.5 ( bath)
W 58.2

excellent day!

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

20 kg Speed swings 34 x 8, 127 lb press 5x5 pauses,walking lunges, laterals

Happy Independence Day!

This went well and I felt surprisingly strong and conditioned. Power output good on all sets. What a difference from Monday.

Speed swings
20 kg x 34 x 8
272 reps
11,986 lbs moved

I think this staggered cycle is working well

Standing press
127 x 5 x 5
last thee sets all reps paused. Groove felt great if not a little upper body tired

Walking lunges
3 laps of 40

3 x 8/8 with 15s

BW 173.8!!!
BF 13.7

so weird, seems directly tired to upper body volume , as soon as I get into heavy 5x5 my bodyweight goes up and when I get into a few weeks of singles it drops a bit. I'll check it more closely but that's my feeling

Monday, July 01, 2019

175 lb press 4x4, 1x5 PR! 40 kg belt squats, floor pushups, laterals

I felt like taking a nap pretty much until the presses were over. Have no idea why; got plenty of rest this weekend, slept well, didn't over drink. All systems go. Just tired and on work move but man it went well anyway!

Just another day at the office. :) the PR office

65, 85 105, x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1 ( fast!)
175 x 4x4, 1x5

this went well. felt like I could do fives. well, grind fives but get them. SO I'm real happy with that last set. And all with almost zero mental drive. weird

40 kg belt squat
3 x 15 non lockout. loving these lighter high rep sets now. Might actually just do one more week up then re cycle down to 32 . or even do a three week cycle and go down next week.

floor pushups
3 x 47 !
was awake now. No problem. When my pushup volume is up my press is up it seems. or, vice versa

3 x 8x8 w 20's

BW 173.3
BF 13.7

Five mile ruck

 It went well but I was so close ( 9 laps = 4.7 miles it seems) that I tacked on a longer walk home to get to five slow start again 35 lb ru...