Saturday, June 05, 2010

Snatch Vo2, so close

to my 50 thousand snatch goal. I could have just said screw it, and do exactly the number I need to hit the 50 k today but that's not my style. Stay with the plan, and finish when it's time. I'm glad I did.

Today was set up to be a back off week and I needed it. Just did 5o sets today and it was tough towards the end. I'm a bit tired,but I should be. All loads and intensities have been up for many weeks and I'm glad I took my own advice and backed off today.

Still found a way, though, to sneak some intensity into the mix by adding a few 8 rep sets on the 10th set of each group. I was snatching at an 8 rep per 15 sec pace anyway so it wasn't that hard.
My snatch groove, as with my swing groove, is the most consistent and balanced that it has ever been; as evidenced by the fact that I HAVEN'T played around with it, tweaked it or tried to "make it better" at all.

I just warm up with my power good mornings and there it is. Keep my head up, my back arched, hinge back and voila' it's there. I can't tell you how nice that is for me, not having to think about what I should be doing to make the groove work, and not hurt anyway. Very nice. This is the way it should be.

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
355 reps
12,780 lbs

Back to not having to warmup again, just did one or two sets of swings and went for it. Nice ot have my CV system working again too,lol.
I did sweat like I had just finished a Bikram class though. Back to two sets of bells as at a certain point the towel(s) are so wet trying to wipe them or me, off just makes everything more weight and wet handles suck. So two bells it is.

Gama Casts
20 lb CB x 10,12,14 each side
25 lb CB x 8,10,12 each side
20 lb CB x 20 , each side

CB Mills
10 lb cbs x 20/20

so glad to be able to do these again.should be able to move up to the 15's soon, the groove feels solid.

datsit. let the weekend begin!


Strength Nomad said...

I love the statement, "stick with the plan". I really need to be reminded of this sometimes. -C.J. Brown

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks for stopping by, and the comment. I've spent so many years training for competition that I know no other way. You have to have a plan and go with it, as much as possible, to get somewhere. If the plan DOESN'T work, it's just more data. but if you don't actually try it you'll never know.

Strength Nomad said...

Your post stemmed me to write my own post. Thanks again for your inspiration and leadership. Here is the link:

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...