Thursday, June 24, 2010

32 kg press/ doubles

who says kbs don't build arms?
I've only got a few weeks left of stable training left before we start traveling to certs. I want to be as strong and fit as possible before I get into the deconditioning,lol, that travel entails for me.

I have to balance pushing my numbers up a bit and try to ride this wave of momentum I have been on of late, but also make sure I don't get tweaked and am fit for the numerous long days on my feet teaching , demonstrating and walking through airports.

No small task.

Recovered well from Tues Am heavy swings and last weeks press workout for triples with the 28 kb encouraged me. I was actually thinking of triples with the 32 kg but in the back of mind I probably knew that was greedy.

But I wanted to train with the 32 kg today if I could. Could being the operative word. I just never really know til I start warming up and my left tricep has been a bit wonky on my cleans of late. Not weight related but I think more connected to my shoulder laxity there so I had to really watch things. It goes from feeling 'pulled' to being perfect so I think its some slight subluxation but hey, I really like that tricep.

Warmed up with cleans and really payed attention to not pulling too early.

KB cleans
16 kg x 5/5 x2
20 kg x5/5
24 kg x4/4
28 kg x3/3
32 kg x3/3

These went well. No tricep involvement at all and I really tried to ride the backswing farther back than I have been and cleaning "late" so to speak.

KB press
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 4/4
24 kg x 2/2
28 kg x 1/1

32 kg x2/2 x 5 sets

Wow. They moved really well and the cleans were fine. I actually thought about going for a triple on my last set but came to my senses. Since we only have two more weeks to go, this probably is the top of my wave and that's not bad at all to me.Especially since I had more reps and sets in the tank.

Just that much closer to my goal of pressing the 40 kg. Next week will be the 24 kg for 5/5 x 5. Lots of work but lower intensity.

some video:

20 kg x5/5
20 kg x7/7
24 kg x5/5 x 5 sets

these went well's such a trip training these after heavy presses. never did that before recent times

One CB Sheild Cast
10 lb x20/20 /15/15 continuous

15 kb CB x 8/8 x 4 sets

excellent! finally back to a little weight in the club again. nice.

lots of stretching to come. Then it's Sat and Max Vo2.It will be a back off week, that's for sure. Have to start the taper.



jockeRKC said...

Nice practice Mr Rif.
The press looks stable and good. hope to be pressing the 32 like that to soon.

Mark Reifkind said...

thank you and thanks for coming by and commenting, it is appreciated.I'm sure you will be pressing the 32 and more soon. it's all about the lats!

Steve Meidinger said...

Rif, you're more shredded than a julienne salad, man!

dbt1959 said...

Another 47 seconds of great instruction on the 2+2 32 Mark. Have just gotten consistent on the right for singles but left is iffy. Breath lat interaction is even more apparent with the heavier bell; I have my blueprint for later this afternoon . . .

Mark Reifkind said...


literally lol, thanks man.

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks and glad this is helping you. I'm a visual learner so I put these up to study for myself as much as for others. thanks for the comments and good luck with your training.

Thursday ruck 3 mile PR

 Wow this was good. Out of nowhere, too 3 miles in 49.10! 45 lb ruck 6 laps 49.10 16 min 28 sec average mile 3.64  mph ave 172.4 bw