Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Comrade of the Week.

Although I know it is very 'tongue in cheek' I am still very proud to announce that I have been named this week's"Comrade of the Week" by DragonDoorTV! Here's the clip

thank you guys, I am honored!


Boris T said...

Nice little segment Rif! Congrats on the recognition.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Boris

I do appreciate your support on my blog. thanks man :))

Meg Lloyd said...

Congrats on the recognition. It's an honor to know a "Comrade of the Week" and a privilege to train with you - not to mention it's just fun....

Mark Reifkind said...


thanks so much for the kind words. You are a real deal athlete and you always show up and do your best( which is considerable). Your energy always helps me get things done.

back to the bar press 95, 105, 115 x 1, 16 kg swings 20 x 10/10, BW squats 3 x 20, floor pushup 1 x 10

 Started off with 16 kg swings in sets of 10/10 and I am really digging these now. I love how light they are as opposed to bells that can te...