Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Endurance from Strength.

I am adapting well to training this early, it seems.But it still takes me a long time to fully warmup and be able to exert as much force per rep that I want to( remember Hardstyle,lol?). Especially since I also want to build up my reps to at least 300 per workout( my old pr is 600) but I tend to run out of time with my lengthy warmup and need to stretch things out.

I had told myself I would stick with the 24 kg until I could do my 300 + reps per workout but yesterday I had a different thought. Actually I remembered the fact that the stronger you are, the easier reps with a lighter weight will be.

If one can only bench press 100 lbs, then reps with 80 lbs will be very tough indeed. If your bench max is 300 lbs then you will do many, many, many reps with 80 pounds without even training for it specifically. Endurance is a byproduct of strength.

Of course, not endlessly linear, but as a general rule the further away from your max the weight is the easier reps and volume will be. Just is. As you get closer to your absolute endurance numbers than specialized training will make the difference but I thought I might just need some heavier swings to make the 24 kg feel light and the volume pump up faster.

When I trained swings as my main gig( when my shoulder was hurt and I couldn't press or snatch- when I did my 600 rep pr, btw) I always alternated days with the 24 kg as the work weight and days when the 32 kg was the weight of the day. My pr with the 32 kg one arm swings was 400 in one session. That's alot.I knew it then but I REALLY know it now,lol.

So today I planned on taking the 28 kg out for a ride and was nicely suprised when the 32 kg was light in my hands and on my hips and it became the work weight for the morning.

Tracy's swing class was packed and that always gives me an energy boost. So nice to finally see so many Hardcore women recognizing the value of TracyStyle swing training and the muscular and physiological benefits of her style of kb training and really taking their training seriously.

You gotta show up; the bell won't swing itself.

One arm swings

12 kg x10/10
16kg x5/5/5/5 x 2
20 kg x5/5

work sets
24 kg x 5/5/3/3 x2
28kg x 5/5/ x3
32 kg x5/5 x5
24kg x5/5/5/5x4

212 reps

this was back when I was strongest in the swing although today's reps felt faster and higher.Nice.

I just love five rep sets for strength building with a barbell, kettlebell or even bodyweight! It's my favorite rep number,lol. Even though I can do many more ,it really allows me to concentrate on maximum acceleration, power and technique all at the same time. And let me handle a heavy, but not too heavy, weight. In the video above ten rep sets were easy. I have ways to go.
As expected the 24 kg felt like a toy after the heavier work.

Rack walks
16 kg for 10 min switching hands every 50 feet. These are getting stronger as well. Did a bunch of cleans in between each hand change too.

hamstring strap stretch
seated floor straddle
up dog
down dog
side split straddle
front lunge both sides
overhead stick stretch
behind back stick stretch
back bend over stab ball

also spend some time do thomas hip lifts and TKE( terminal knee extensions) with a dyna band trying to talk my vmo and left glute to fire better. I need a new knee,lol

Also taking my hydration in the afternoons and the weekends much more seriously now and I can tell the difference already. I hydrate well when I am at Girya but was slacking off in the afternoon and especially on the weekends.

I am convinced that played a fairly major role in my back issues of late. Have to keep the muscle plump; hey, it's 75% water!



Tracy Reifkind said...


you make me want to swing heavy! And I gotta do some walking kb stuff, especially now the weather is so nice.

Mark Reifkind said...

my love

you ALWAYS inspire me to train hard. Just watching your intensity is amazing.
we can walk kbs together!

back to the bar press 95, 105, 115 x 1, 16 kg swings 20 x 10/10, BW squats 3 x 20, floor pushup 1 x 10

 Started off with 16 kg swings in sets of 10/10 and I am really digging these now. I love how light they are as opposed to bells that can te...