Wednesday, December 27, 2006

One Arm Swings

Recovered better than exected from the swing medley on monday. No substitute for me getting on the floor and opening things up right and thats what I did.Had one arm swings on the menu today and wasnt sure whether to use the 20 or 24 kg weight.I decided I would back off on the snatch weight this saturday to the 20 kg and go for 250 plus snatches so that meant today was the 24 kg again.

One Arm Swing




53x5/5/5/5 x12 sets

240 reps

12,720 pounds

these went very very well. all swings were head high and leaving the arm locked into the body worked great!Let myself bend over and got great momentum and force production. I like the idea of doing low reps per arm and switching more. This will let me work at both my goals similtaneous: high force output per rep AND high volume.

I did one set of 10/10 one the 11 the set and could feel myself gear down right from the start knowing I had more reps to do!

Mixed grip chin pulls/jumping off bosu

6 sets of 6 with 5 second hang/scap tracs at end of set

these went very well. I am almost ready for real ones, I can tell.

that was it as Mike Castro and Mr Bosu David Weck showed up and we played with some of Wecks TopSecret new toys.I am sworn to secrecy but great stuff is coming down the pike.

bw 161

bf 8.9%

water 60.8%

datsit, staying loose.


Franz Snideman said...

Love the pic. that is one big kettlebell! :)

Are your one arm swings with the arm totally straight?

Did you get my e-mail that I sent to

Mark Reifkind said...


sorry,no email yet.and yes the arm is as straight as I can get it. thats my cue on each rep.lock the arm and ride the broomstick.

Royce said...

Did My first ROP workout Wed Rif.
I updated my workout log and my blog.
ROP is a great program too. left my whole body feeling worked, although I have TONS of form ques to work on they will come with practice.

Mark Reifkind said...

cool royce, I will check them out. I will try to answwer your questions if I can.steady as she goes dude. dont dive in the deep end of the pool now

Royce said...

Thanks dude, and yeah I need to build volume slowly and consistantly!!

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...