Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas present to myself.

One of my least favorite aspects of being( finally) a responsible adult and having to actually work for a living is not being able to train first thing in the morning. Nothing I love more than to get up and have nothing to do but focus on my training before I have to do the rest of the real world tasks.
I get to do so on Saturdays and it is always the highlight of my week. So today, having taken the day, off I got to train myself first thing and was happy as a kid on, well, Christmas day.

Plus, I believe I have finally figured out what to do with my Monday's workout. One of the realizations from Saturdays snatch workout was that my bent over form, for better or worse, was MY form and trying to mess with it to mimic a more squat style was not only silly but ineffective. I wanted to do another swing based workout but hitting the same nail with one arm swings or even lighter snatches didnt make sense. that groove wasn't recovered yet.

Another realization is that my high pull form, both one arm and two hand, IS more of a squat based pattern, getting my hips and legs more.But it doesnt work for my snatch. And doesnt have to, I now see. I can use these exercises on Monday and let them hit my (relatively) underutlized glutes and legs and still let my back and hams recover from snatches.
These will be a special exercise to target the areas my comp form does not get. As they get stronger it should make my snatch form stronger as well.Less weak points everywhere makes you stronger.

Again, the proof of the pudding is in the eating so we will see how I am tomorrow and wednesday.

I also wanted to increase volume and was reading former Sr. RKC Nate Morrisons adn Air Force ParaRescue instructors site on strength endurance training for military and LEOs. This type of real world functional, go all day ,real world strength endurance is what I am after now and the more my work capacity comes up the better I feel. His articles on continuous work circuits and high rep swing trainig is very inspiring

heres just a hint from his site.

The Swing is a cyclic and ballistic exercise, which challenges the musculature of the trunk in an off balanced dynamic and functional manner. No rep is the truly the same.
The Swing develops power and power endurance like no other exercise. Guidelines for the Swing
If you have lower back pain or soreness, start with a light weight and limited range of motion. Gradually increase the range of motion before you increase weight. This is assuming your doctor has cleared you!
If you are a woman, especially recovering from child birth, follow #1 and also be sure to pay extra attention to contracting your glutes and all of the muscles of the abdomen (as if bracing for a punch).
If you are in the military, work up to over 100 reps per set with a 24kg KB.
If you are in SOF, go heavier and shoot for 50-100 reps with a 32kg KB, especially if your team carries large ruck loads of 100+ pounds.
For detailed instructions on performing the Swing, be sure to pick up a copy of my video, The Kettlebell Starter. Also check our archives

When I get my knee replaced and can really walk/hike/ruck watch out!
I highly recommend you check out Nate's site as there is always great info on a multitude of topics there.It is a pay site and you always get more than what you pay for! Way more.

Swing Medley

two hand swing
one arm hi pull
two hand hipull

10 reps each with 12 kg 50 reps =1300 lbs
10 reps each with 16 kg 50 reps =1800 lbs
10 reps each with 20 kg 50 reps = 2200 lbs
150 reps/5300 pounds

all supersetted with 200 foot rack walks, 100 foot per arm with 16 kg

then with the 24 kg

two hand swing 20 reps

one arm hi pull 20 reps

two hand hi pull 20 reps

DARC 20 reps
twice through

80 reps per round/160 total/8480 pounds total + swing circuit above=310 reps/13680 pounds.

each set was superesetted with 200 ft rack walks with 16 kg. The swings were not done in a circuit.I had ambitions of three rounds and 240 reps but the second round was much tougher and I didnt want to be wrecked tomorrow.

2000 feet of rack walks PR!

Jumping Chins

this was working out well until my left wrist started protesting so I switched to a mixed grip! Left arm pronated and right arm supinated. As twisted as I am it felt really GOOD! Of course.But then I thought about how much I used mixed grips( both sides) in my powerlifting deadlift and thought this might actually square me up!

jumping pull/chin off bosu

5x5 !

this worked well. I am so tweaked, lol.If i ever were to dl again, instead of using a hook grip to try to be square that way I would use a left hand undergrip and a right hand overgrip to twist me left to right, the manner I need to go to be "square" . THe other way just perpetuates my existing imbalances! But I ain't gonna be deadlifting anyway.No thanks I dont need that too,lol.
datsit! one hour of pretty much continuous work, right on target.
staying loose.


Geoff Neupert said...

Intuition is a funny thing. Funny how we'll defer from what we inherantly know to be correct to something we know to be incorrect just because someone we've abdicated authority to says it should be so. Keep snatchin' and swingin' the way YOU'RE designed to. We should put together a whole lesson on dynamic stereotypes--forms within forms or techniques within techniques.

Hope you had a great Christmas.

Mark Reifkind said...


so true! I screwed myself in pl for years doing exactly that! Louie is agreat guy and way smart but I shouldnt have tried to squat so wide given my body type and injuries.
same with the snatch.woke up REALLY sore in the left hammie from all those squat type swings yesterday! dammit!will see if it stretches out easily or whether I am still in search mode for a monday workout.
had a great christmas hope you and courtney did as well.
as far as the lesson plan I am in!

Franz Snideman said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas Rif!

Glad to see you dialed in one and for all the best swing technique for you and your body!

Blessings my brother!

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks franz, yes I have accepted my snatch form for what it is, the strongest way for me to produce force. It aint pretty but luckily they dont give style points.

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...