Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Not much sleep last night; was up from 2:30 am on and out of bed at 4 am. Knew it was going to be rough as I had extra clients today to take care of coming makeups. Late start. ALso I think I let how good I feel lately go to my head, as usual. Here I am thinking about max force and high velocity training and forgetting that just a few months ago I was hoping I could train at all!

I have to not forget that I should KNOW by now I have to stick to the movements and workloads that have shown of late NOT to injure me, but actually to make me better and not to get too greedy.It is my nature to always want to push more. To lift more, more heavily, more intensely, more often. I want to be able to do what the best can do and I have to realize that is what got me so injured in the first place.

To be able to move much more painfree, hell, to actually be able to MOVE at all is a blessing.To be able to snatch and swing hard and do 15,000 pound workloads and walk normal the next day is an amazing thing.

I can only load my right shoulder overhead so much without it complaining greatly is a reality I have to accept. Snatching well once a week is good enough. It has to be.

To be able to walk without much of a limp is an unbelievably great thing.

Suck it up and get started.

10 min HOT bath as passive warmup

One arm swings( straight arm)

44x8/8x 15 sets
240 reps, 10,560 lbs
20 minutes

this went very well once I settled down and decided to keep the reps down.I wanted a rep range that ended with strong power,regardless of what it was.I'm not very fast after ten reps of anything.Eights felt easy and still had plenty of snap on them. I recover much much better if I dont get into oxygen debt. as soon as that happens recovery sucks ass.
Form felt good and shoulder was fine.

Bosu Jumping Chins
full weight hang and scapula tractions after each set!!!!! no problem,actually felt GOOD to hang like that. still have to go slowly and be very careful, this is so new.

rack walks 20 kg
200 feet per arm 1200 feet total

these felt great! left wrist was a little strained buy the supination and hangs but I didnt push it.

bw 161
bf 9.4%
water 60.2%

damned gingerbread cookies. I can eat ice cream and keep my bf down but as SOON as I add the processed flour shit back in it goes up!and one of my clients gave me 8 of my favorite cheese danish, which is my favorite pastry! uh oh.

datsit, staying loose.


Royce said...

Once again I am a little behind the times with your blog Rif. But your post on Dec 17 is one of those posts that you do so often that hits me hard.
Great insights, you should write a philosophy book on training.

The whole point about people caring about the size of their arms and not their posture made twinge ( in a a good self-introspective way though. )

Since I have been doing JM/RIS/Resilient every morning I am starting to feel MUCH MUCH looser and I also had a pleasent WTH effect. My right wrist had been bothering me for a while but only at the extremes of movement, I went to ther Docs and found out it was beggining stages of arthritis ( ugh, hate aging, LOL )
So I started doing a stretch specifically for wrists from JM and within 3 weeks I have gotten almost 100% of my ROM back with no pain.
A month ago if I slept with it hanging off the bed it would wake me up it hurt so bad, now not a problem!!

Anyhow I have a 24 kg in the mail and am ordering a 32 kg tomorrow,
When the 24 gets here I am starting theROP workouts as Rxed, and I am going to give the bulldog a rest except for some occasional side presses on my variety days!

I believe I get my computer back tomorrow or Sat, so I will post my workouts and vists your blog more, wich I am looking forward to!!

Brett said...

I know what you mean. I just gobbled down six choc/peanut butter Christmas cookies. Body fat is dropping though, as is the weight. Warrior Diet is working for me thus far, aside from the cookies just now ...

Mark Reifkind said...

royce. good to see you back and way cool aobut getting your bells. they will be your stalwart companions forever now!
ROP is going to be great for you too. a serious training program.
see you soon.

Mark Reifkind said...

brett, good to hear you are doing wd and will be very interested in your tweaking of it to fit the power template.I can have ice creaam and chocolate and still keep the bf low but as soon as the bread or pastries come out up she goes!

Brett said...

Not sure what you mean. I think you got my comment confused with another one. :)

Mark Reifkind said...

brett I was referring to how well using the wd would fit with your powerlifting.

210 chin press Pr, rolling db extensions, laterals, rear delts rev bar curl

 This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...