Very good one. Fast six laps in 53 or 54 minutes. cool temps and all systems go
6 laps
3 miles
53.5 min
"And in those simple beautiful movements I remembered what was really important in training; that consistency trumps intensity; all the time. That intensity is born from consistency. That one cannot force it, one has to lay in wait for it, patiently, instinctively, calmly and be ready to grab it when Grace lays it down in front of you."
Very good one. Fast six laps in 53 or 54 minutes. cool temps and all systems go
6 laps
3 miles
53.5 min
Tweaked my left elbow early on and it got a bit worse so I called it at nine sets. wasn't sure what it was but I did two thing differently which I'm sure did it
1) I tried to put my elbows a bit higher as I unracked it. I noticed they've been lower than before so I tried to get them higher and put them on more of a stretch
2) I tried to press through the pinky fingers at the lockout and I think this was the real issue as I did the last time with ulnar deviation grip
NEVER AGAIN fuck with his
It's better now as I write this ( thurs night) but it was touchy. the EXTERNAL ROTATION with voodoo floss helped the most ( tried internal but nothing)
Should be ok by Monday
This started out great. Felt really good the first four laps or so. Then I had an encounter with a homeless man, a very old, very frail crippled up man. He was shuffling along in the cold with a ratty old blanket for a cover. I went to him to give him some money and realized his blanket was soaked and freezing.
I started on the next laps wishing I could do more then decided I could. I cut the ruck off to go back to my house to get some warm jacket and shirt for him and some food
But by the time I got back to the park he was gone.
So walked around looking for him but no luck
Weird ruck but I had to do it
ended up with 9700 steps so close enough anyway
I can't imagine how hard this guy's life is :(
These went ok but took awhile to really find my legs. No real issues and I slept better than I have in two weeks but just hard getting my weight back at the top of the rep
The 48 just has a very different balance point, speed, rhythm and timing than even the 44. Really have to get back at the top or I get pulled over too much
But cardio, power and bell height were all good
12.9 ( bath)
Pretty slow and sloggy. the three sets of 15 bodyweight squats really fatigued my legs in a new way and while I didnt have trouble doing the three miles, speed was low with lots of short breaks to let my quads calm down lol
45 lbs
6 laps
3 miles
55 min
just hard to focus
What a freaking great day! This is without a doubt the best group of heavy reps I have ever done! Every set was just about perfect. Plus I didn't sleep well last night because traps, neck and upper back were so sore from Monday,lol.
I thought that would wreck me but somehow it didn't
The new part I hoped would work DID WORK! Brilliantly, to
that second reclaiming of the stiff leg position is the key to being able to power through the lockout and not fall away from the bar or push it forward.
Very excited
BW 174.4
Wow this went great. I was seriously nervous before this session even though I slept well and felt basically fine orthopedically. Seriously cold tho and it's been a year since I had to press heavy while freezing lol
Bodyweight was perfect (175.0 at 4 am) and no excuses but warmups were, well, cold and slow
But I just kept thinking " Stiff Legs/X" and it worked well at getting me back under the bar at the launch
I also focused on taking the bar off with more weight on the torso but then settled into the weight on torso AND shoulders/arms- basically with whole body! this worked best
While the lockouts werent great and the second set was 3/4 it's been THREE YEARS since I even attempted this and have done it only once
Very happy. The groove was right
Now just need to add in the third cue
Stiff Legs
Stiff legs
Now that I can basically remember how to get it started RE STIFFING the legs after the launch makes the lockout so much better. other wise the base is soft
Really good stuff
Man this started out SO fast! First mile went by in a little over 15 minutes! That's never happened before
43 degrees out so that really helped but also woke up feeling really good all over
The first four laps were barely over 30 min then things tightened up a bit but still finished fast!
45 lbs
9 laps
1:15 min!
last two laps 7:50 min
175 BW
This went REALLY well. Went back to redirecting the bell path between my legs to the 7 o'clock angle and it solved all the other issues. really decent height and power and felt NOTHING in my back
Was going great til I had to pee and realized they locked the bathroom doors! I did the extra lap and then barely made it home
5laps instead of 6 but it was a decent ruck.Not super strong like last week but decent
5 laps
2.5 miles
Not even sure of the time but good
This went VERY well almost all reps identical.
Realized I get better drive AND minimize shoulder stress if I unrack it with more weight on torso than arms. Not loose or no tension in the arms just not trying to hold the weight mainly there
My attempts to create more starting speed failed. Rushed things, did not get or keep my legs stiff. figured it out though
175 x 1
195 x Miss
205 x Miss!
215 x 1
220 x 1
210 x 1 x 3
210 x Miss
210 x Miss
210 x 1
This was a solid one. not great but steady
45 lb ruck
9 laps
10,200 steps
4 supported squat stretches first four laps. adding these back in they really stretch out my legs and glutes
Did not start out feeling well but motored through. Tried to use the more quad dominant technique but if definitely didn't feel right at 40 kg so switched back
It seems that, just like in the press, things really change with heavier weights
Not quite as cool out as it has been but it wasn't hot. til the last 2 laps but nothing compared to a month ago
and another quick and easy pace
6 laps in 52 min with just a few rest pauses
a bit over 17 min miles with 3.45mph top
not bad at all
This was a very solid day. I took 215 and it was the strongest one in a long time so I took 225 and almost made it
What I did realize is that I need MORE starting speed with 225 than even 220. I tend to stay pretty consistent regardless of the weight but I think I need more, without changing the technique
First time also in forever I've made 5 downsets with 205
Ah yes the blessed time change back! love it
45 lb
9 laps
10,000 steps
top speed 4.4 MPH!
1:20 ( LOTS of doggo breaks lol)
good tempo strong finish
Switched my technique back to a more quad dominant technique and didn't worry about bell height at all. Liked it.Much faster per rep pace and much less hip/back involvement
How I used to swing when I was doing 10 x 10/10 with the big bells
This was awesome. 6 laps in 49 minutes! This is an all time PR for the last ten years of rucking. I actually thought PR days were over but it seems I'm finally getting back into shape
45 lbs
6 laps
3.65 MPH
16.28 min mile ave
174.0 BW
This went well but those small jumps are interminable! Completely necessary but SO hard to say calm while doing; I feel like I'm wastin...