Wednesday, February 27, 2019

20 kg speed swings 24 sets,162 x 3 standing press, walking lunges, laterals

Getting back to full speed, slowly. Could have done more but didnt which was the point.

Just dipping the toe on the water not diving head first. Feeling very good. Cough pretty much gone, thank g-d.
Now, to get work capacity back and increase loading. again :(

20 kg speed swings
24 sets
8 reps per arm
192 reps
8448  lbs
RPE 7.5

45 x 5
65 x 3
85 x 3
111 x 3
121 x 3
131 x 3
142 x 3
162 x 3

first rep got out in front a but but not bad at all super casual approach too.

walking lunges
4 laps of 20 feet

3 x 10/10 with 15s

BW 167.4
BF 12.9

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145-205-185 side and rear delts,band pushdowns, reverse band curls

 This went ok but actually thought it would go better. I thought I should be able to 1) stick at least one 205 and get two. I missed a bunch...