Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Health Snatch

Yesterday was a weird day. And all night. For no good reason my knee went " out" at 9 am and I didn't really get to put it right until after all my sessions. Not a whole lot of fun.I think I crawled too much, to be honest, on the days before and my left sartorius went nuts a bit.

That's what's so much fun about having this beat up old frame to work with; I usually don't find out I did something wrong til day(s) later and then I'm not really sure what it was.But this sartorius tweak has happened before with crawling, only much less last time( which means I'm making progress) but it was too much.

Then at 1 am last night my right shoulder subluxes and I've was up pretty much the rest of the night, off and on, rolling and stretching and trying to convince it go back in.I knew once I got upright it would settle in but I wanted to sleep:)
Of well, the body had other plans.

I have to sleep on the other side of the bed for awhile and let that arm stretch out to the side, instead of keeping it curled up. I know that's what made it tweak. Great stuff, getting hurt sleeping again: my definition of when you are old.

I am old but not done.:) Sisu baby, Sisu.

I was thinking about subbing out this half snatch( it's proper name) on Wednesdays for Max Vo2 as I wrote about last time but thought doing some light snatches might help 'set' my shoulder today so that's what I started out with.

I've learned not to freak out when my body moves around as I've shown myself, over and over, that I can unfuck myself, IF I have the time, AND that moving normally, or trying to, really helps put re set the body by pushing reboot.

But I wasn't prepared for how much I was going to like this move.
It's called the Half Snatch, properly, but I think of it as the Health Snatch as it is FAR easier on my body in total that the ballistic HS snatch.

One of the best things about the GS snatch is that it revolves around saving the grip, which means it revolves around lessening downward forces on the descent. The HS snatch doesn't and for that reason it is a seriously powerful movement and tool. BUT if I don't do things just right things can go wonky for me fast and I'm tired of that.

This movement solves the problem. The ascent part of the snatch is the same, powerful and accelerative. But the descent keeps the bell in over the base much easier into a basic rack position and from there it's easier to power up another snatch with minimal forces on the back or the grip.

PLUS it is a mini press negative and that should help make up for the fact I am only doing singles now on my regular press day.  This was great!

Heath Snatch
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
18 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5 x 2
24 kg x 5/5 x 8

wow this was sweet.two things: one, I felt like I could keep going into higher reps very easily. Two I could definitely go heavier even though I won't :)
Oh, and as usual, the overhead position helped re set the shoulder. thank G-d!

Two Hand swing
28 kg x 10
32 kg x 10
40 kg x 10
52 kg x 10 x 2

these went GREAT as well and the shoulder felt fine. So weird.

CB Shield Casts
20  10/10
25 lbs x 10/10 x 3

these felt good but wanted to take it relatively easy.

Pushups to single bar
3 x 7

just to see how the shoulders respond tomorrow. the reps were easy.


Lots of stretching to do today.


Mike Moran said...

Watching the video it looks like the same way the double snatch is done but with only a single kb. Is that correct?

Diana said...

"getting hurt while sleeping=old"!

Too, too, too funny Mark! So damn true.

Can't wait till I can snatch again, I love doing them this way-especially nice when using a heavy bell.

Mark Reifkind said...


yes exactly. I love it.

Mark Reifkind said...


this is the case for sure. My shoulder falling off at 1am was fun on Friday night. For no damn good reaason. :)

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...