Monday, May 20, 2013

KB Stacked Press, 30 kg Pr

Right shoulder was wonky all weekend although the cupping did help. But it wasn't until I got  a full overhead stretchout hanging on the chin bar in all three grip variations did it settle down. Doing it again this morning  plus adding in this first rib mob from KStarput the icing on the cake and it felt better in the AM than it has in quite awhile.

When the shoulder is not in the right place it 'aches'. Not a 'pain' per se, just a dull ache and messed up movement. This set the first rib and then taking the Supernova to the wrist flexors and getting the elbow to sit right made it all betta'.

When you have tight muscles and loose joints shit moves around all the time and it's a pain getting the tensions right. Especially if you want to do something more than change the channel on the TV:)

Press day today and while I thought originally about just doing 24 kg for LOTS of single I decided to try stacked presses again. last time I did them my forearms didn't like the grip and I haven't played with them in over a year. Today went well

Stacked press
1 10 kg 1 8kg ( 18 kg) x 5/5

2 20 kg x 3/3 ( 20 kg)
1 10 kg 14 kg ( 24kg ) 2/2
2 14 kg x 1/1 PR!

2 16kg  x 1/1 L and R Miss! ack!
1 14+ 1 16 kg x 1/1 ( 30 kg ) x miss
1 14 kg + 1 16 kg( 30 kg) x 1/1 PR!!! 

1 10 kg  + 1 14 ( 24 kg ) x 5/5

whew! glad I went back and tried again, even then I missed the second attempt on the right arm. But I knew it was technical miss and went right back to it. I can get the double 16's next for sure. Most of the miss was just lack of confidence and familiarity with the movement. I was just "feeling" it out, not really going for it.

Still very happy with the day.Shoulder felt fine :)) so strange how fast things come and go these days.

Two Kb swings
2 16 kg x 10 x 8 sets

these felt great! so light now and the groove was fast and powerful.

Belt squats
40 kg x 25 x 4 sets

these were great and I was barely out of breath. Love these , they have been so consistent for me, and my knee.



Tracy Reifkind said...

Sa-weet! Just like you.

Mark Reifkind said...

:)) thank you love:)

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...