Monday, May 06, 2013

28 kg KB press, cleans, squats

Pretty damn good day. Got a bunch of good presses in, didn't hurt myself and actually played with some decent weight as well. I do have to admit there is nothing like saddling up to a weight that challenges you to focus that, well, COMMANDS that you concentrate. I love THAT flow state, that Zen state where nothing else exists but you and what you are going to do. Everything else ceases to exist and you are pure intent.


I've had to pull the plug on that for SO many years with my injuries and still have to be SUPER careful with exercise selection, load, etc, but at least I can play A LITTLE these days. That used to be my life; a PR squat, or bench or special exercise. Something I had never done before but was damn well going to do now :))

But that is fleeting and - painful-. SO now I have to be satisfied with this and that's no problem at all. Believe me I am grateful.

But this was fun, as was Saturday and getting to play with the big boy's weights.The Men's weights.

one arm swing warmup : 16 kg x 5/5/ x 2

Clean and Press
16 kg x 5/5
20 kg x 2/2
24 kg x 1/1

28 kg x 1/1 x 6 sets
No clunking. Still hard to believe but I could push with my left side again. I was contemplating going up to the 32 but realized I needed to be able to do at least 6 singles easily before doing that. I did it and they all moved very fast.

They weren't perfectly strict ( i.e NO torso shove or move to initiate) but I don't care anymore. It's way safer on my shoulder and makes it a much more full body lift.

One arm cleans
28 kg x 3/3
32 kg x 3/3 x 3

this was fun! Again so nice to play with a big bell pain, no problems, pretty damn easy.good solid hold in the rack between reps too and extra long at the last rep.

Belt squat
36 kg  25 x 5 sets

nice a pr! 5 sets instead of 4 . 125 reps . love these

3 directional arm circles: a new thing for shoulder mobility. taught to me by my client David Yawger D.C. Very cool. I need to add mobility work into my static shoulder stretching work. the time is come. it's past time. The static stuff has stalled and this feels great>

It's nothing more than progressively larger arm circles ( arms starting at 25 deg off midline) with the hands/arms first in neutral ( thumbs up) prontated ( palms down) and internally rotated ( thumbs down) in both directions. this was VERY tough the first time I did it and takes about a minute fifteen seconds to complete a set. I did three today and its' getting easier.

I've been greasing the groove with these as well throughout the day for the last few days and I like it.


1 comment:

Joe Sarti said...

Ah that zen state and some heavy weight :) nice choice with the 28kg, great work. Like the shoulder circles ;)

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...