Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Snatch Vo2 30 sets

Well, haven't done this workout in awhile and it wasn't that bad at all. Both Glenn and I were thinking that because we haven't done much high rep work in the last few months this would kill us but it didn't. In fact we stopped at 30 sets but could have done more. It is good to start slowly back into something new; especially when it's tweaked you in the past.

I did this workout, wave cycles once a week for three years and it never failed to be very hard and very do able at the same time. The pace is just so relentless but the weight is light and the main obstacle is the mind. Keeping your focus on going fast even while you can't breathe.

But this is my kind of met con, my kind of cardio; lots of short work sets, done fast , with a little rest.

Got a great stretchout this morning again and that helped. Actually felt more square than I have in days/ weeks. I was surprised how good my form felt too, and I felt free to play around with some GS type variations that seem to come naturally to me. All the heavy swings though made the 16 feel as light as it is and made throwing it around that much easier.

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
15: 15
 30 sets of 7
210 reps
6300 lbs
15 minutes :)

the video above is from a few years back when I accomplished my goal of 50,000 snatches  done in little over a year. It was a "contest" that many entered and almost none accomplished. I had some great fun "racing" Rob Obrien to the goal but he was way stronger than me and crushed by me as he got serious with multiple snatch workouts and using heavier weights ( for more points).

It was all I could do to do my once weekly workout.

One arm KB row
24 kg x 8/8

28 kg x8/8 x 3 sets

Sled Drag
60 lbs x 300 ft work sets x  3
900 feet.

this was good. just 50 feet more work per lap but it definitely added up! especially after the snatches, the rows felt light. it feels so good to feel a little bit 'real/ strong again:)



Unknown said...

Great work, Rif. Starting to follow your workouts exclusively now. I broke my fifth decade last year will now follow the wisdom of your training.

Mark Reifkind said...

thanks Mark, just remember this is MY needs directing things here. Make sure you individualize it for what your weak points and priorities are. It is different after 50 that's for sure.
Simple, basic, progressive with serious attention to correctives and recovery are the key.

theknucklefade said...

Hi Mark,
I've been following your blog for a while now and always find it a portal of common sense and solid advice.
As a mid 40 something, I've recently I started to do your percentage approach to swing training, and was wondering what you think about adding some tabata sprints into the same week, I was wondering where you'd place them,ie on the same day as the %age swings and use the next day as a recovery/stretch or do them on the next so go, swing % one day, and tabatas the next.

Thanks in advance

Mark Reifkind said...


I think that's a good approach, and I've just re introduced max v02 snatches back in the mix as well,for that very reason.

I would do them, as I do my fast snatches, on it's own day. You don't want to mix strength and speed on the same day.

I mean, you could, but it's not optimal

thanks for reading and especially for commenting. Don't get much comments and not really sure anyone is reading ,lol

theknucklefade said...

Ha, yes in this worldwide portal there's so much out there, and it does take a process of elimination to get to the good stuff.
Keep on bloggin!

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