Saturday, May 04, 2013

Swing day, the new schedule starts. 32 kg one arm swing and Beast Power swings.

First day of the new schedule and it went well, despite my left SI joint waking me up at 1 am saying it wanted to say 'hi!" for no damn good reason. Well, there was a reason (there's always a damn reason) getting a bit fancy with my technique in the max Vo2 session and a bit too much turning patterns yesterday doing primal move.

Side out turns in both directions from crawl and half turn to crab position usually ends up with my SI and lumbars feeling weird and yesterday was no exception. Oh well. Got up early and got on the floor and stretched it all out. Felt solid going into the workout.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5
28 kg x 5/5

32 kg x 5/5
         x 6/6
         x 7/7
         x 8/8
         x 9/9
         x 10/10
         x 5/5/5/5
110 reps
7,700 lbs

these went well and I felt bell speed was fine. Easily the most and best I've done one arm swings of late.

Power swings

32 kg x 5
40 kg x 5
48 kg x 5 x 5 sets

this is the most sets I've done with the Beast in ballistic or Power swings and it was strong! Very happy with form and workload. Now just better in each. More hike on the backswing and more height on the swing itself.

Reverse grip pushups to single bar
4 sets of 10

Lol this brings back memories! I used  the reverse grip bench in powerlifting training and competition in the early 1990's as it was very strong for me AND was far easier on my shoulder. BUT it was very dangerous as if you pushed the bar back towards your face at ALL( not just straight up, as you should) you could have that bar on your throat or face in a millisecond!

Add in the craziness of the bench shirt and it was just too dangerous.

But it was immediately easy to do and boy did I feel my triceps from the get! Just what I wanted too and not too much on the front delts and pecs, which I didn't want. Couldn't quite reach the bar but it will get variation

Capt America Arm casts
20 x 15

25 x 15 x 3 sets

Love this variation the best. switch top hand each set. This is the best CB move for me.

This new saturday is going to be great! I love being able to throw around some heavy shit again :)


you gotta have the stones if you want to be strong :)


Joe Sarti said...

Love having you throw around heavy shit. It is invigorating to have us all throwing heavy shit together! Plus, you make it look easy. All that work and attention to details pays off. So honored to train and learn from and with you! Truly an inspiration! Cannot wait till next Saturday ;)

Mark Reifkind said...

exactly! that was a big part of the idea. you need that group energy on heavy day and it works out better if we ALL are throwing around heavy shit, even if it's different heavy shit .lol/

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...