Monday, May 13, 2013

32 kg Press, both arms!

It's been quite awhile since I could press strongly with my left arm without something screwing up but it seems to be behaving for now.Almost scared to say it, lest I jinx it, but I haven't 'clunked' on my left side in the rack position OR the press for a awhile now, although it seems I am always 'waiting' for it when I clean and press.

Last weeks six singles with the 28 gave me some confidence though and the heavy one arm , two arm and two hand swings have gotten me stronger it seems. The 28 just didn't feel that heavy , nor did the 32 kg today, when I racked it to press it.

Not happy with the technique, for sure. I did 3 sets of singles and the first set was the worst, with the arm spinning out way too early, BUT , no clunking and it was still strong. My press groove is certainly rusty too and I have more than a few options of how to press so it's a little confused as well ( me too :) .The second set was better and the third set, the one I video'd was the strongest although it still externally rotated too much.

But no pain and it motored up well so I'll take it :)

Clean and Press
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 3/3
24 kg x 1/1
28 kg x 1/1
32 kg  x 1/1 x 3 sets
28 kg x 1/1 x 3 sets

kept feeling stronger each set but didn't want to push it any further but needed more groove practice so I went back to the 28. Wow, that moved great and the groove was much improved. I think that as my shoulder stays stable and the groove gets patterned better it will be a much nicer press. It was loose technique too, a bit of a heave but hey, right now I don't care at all.

Two KB swings
2 16's x 10 x 2
2 20's x 10 x 2
2 24's x 8 x 2
2 28's x 6 x 2

This was another surprise.I just felt strong and was ready to pick it up and run with today.Grace doesn't shine very often and one needs to be ready when it does. I SO enjoy focusing on strength rather than endurance I can't tell you. It makes it so much easier to focus in when the weight is heavy than when I am facing tens or hundreds of reps. Just my nature but I am glad I get to play like this again. SO grateful !

Belt squats
40 kg x 20
         x 25
         x 30
         x 25

these were great as usual. Even better as I can now hold a squat bar on my shoulders again after 5+ years of not being able to! That's just craziness! Played around with this morning at work after discovering I could do it with Nick yesterday during his squats. What do you know? If you don't quit great things happen.

Perhaps I can barbell squat a bit again too. But this time I will use a high bar rack, olympic lifting shoes and squat the way I discovered at the end, when it was too late to help me. Maybe a little bit now?

Handstands against wall

three sets and MAN these sucked. Haven't done any HS in months and months and tight would be a very complimentary way to describe how these felt. Have to work them back into the program again.

solid day and I am enjoying every degree of the heat and the sweat. So happy not to be frozen anymore.



Joe Sarti said...

Yes!!!! Easy. And BB squat!?!? Well heck, that's an awesome thing to say lest be able to do. :) so stoked sensei, leading from the front and by example, a true Master :)

Mark Reifkind said...

lol, well I'm not putting any weight on the bar- yet. we'll see. I have to remember to not be greedy, too.
It did move well but the teshnik was so so. No worries it's so much more than I have been able to do it's a blessing.

and, thank you for your kinds words Joseph:)

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...