Saturday, May 18, 2013

Big 52 kg day at Stones

Joe has been on my WSB style press program for about 8 weeks now and he was ready for his first attempt at his goal weight, a 52 kg KB Military press! He has killed all this max effort special exercises, his speed work is going great and his strength is up. Time to peak!

He pressed the Beast with both arms for the first time a few weeks ago, a pr, and had even bought a specially made 52 kg bell just for the attempt.( you can get one here for only $75 if you are so inclined) from Hammertone Bells. The thing is a monster as you can see from the photo, and the handle is THICK! 5.68 inches!

And the bell is taller than the Beast but the top of the bell is LOWER which gives it a much lower center of gravity than the DD 48 kg Joe was actually pressing from a deficit position :)) If we had taped weight to the bottom of the DD bell I believe he would have made the press easily.

He just missed it . Badly on his first attempt at it and very well on his second attempt.Missing weights well, like professional ,as Pavel woud say, is critical. One gets maximally strong using maximal weights which necessitates knowing how to miss strongly ;without hurting yourself in the process, squirreling around under the weight or using weird body english just to finish the lift.
Anything else is just panic. Not the time to panic.

It was a weird day as Joe had to just jet in, try the lift and leave, he had other business so it wasn't a 'normal' day but he did great.

I had a weird day as well. My right shoulder was moving around all day yesterday and most of the night. Didn't really get it set before the workout even though I got a solid stretch/mobility session in first.

The biceps felt tight as well so I went slowly on the warmups. Didn't really have a goal weight after last weeks Beast work; something heavy but not too heavy.

One arm swings
16 kg x 5/5 x 2
20 kg x 5/5
24 kg x 5/5 x 2 ( this is where I first felt the right elbow/biceps. Just didn't set up well I think but it made me sit up and pay attention)
28 kg x 5/5
32 kg x 5/5
36 kg x 5/5
40 kg x 5/5 x 2
32 kg x 10/10 x 3 sets

this worked out great! started all the sets above 24 kg with the left arm and the right felt better every set. Left hand grip wasn't great again at start. but got better. I'm used to starting heavy one arm work with my right side and this was definitely different.

Two hand swing
32 kg x 10
36 kg x 10
40 kg x 10
48 kg x 10

52 kg x 10 x 2 !!! Yes!

these felt great! As nasty as this bell looks for single arm work it actually is great for two hand. The handle is wider so both hands fit in easily, the thicker handle actually made for a better grip and the lower center of gravity made it feel lighter in the swing than the 48 ! Fun.:)

Two Hand CB Arm Cast
20 x 10/10
25 x 10/10
35 x 10/10
45 x 8/8 !!!

Nice! Haven't handled the 45 lber in months. Sweet!

Snatch Holds
14 kg x 30 sec
16 kg x 30 sec x 2

these felt surprisingly great! Even on the right arm. Weird . Could it have been my new toys?

My super cool Kelley Starrett designed mobilty toys in the mail yesterday from Rogue and just flat out love them.The Ball AKA Super Nova is just incredible for almost every part; the thing is dense and heavy and stays put. The nubs on the surface just grab the shear the skin/fascia just incredibly well and adheres to the skin without irritating it.
Glutes, calves hammies, hip flexors psoas are easy to get. Even the traps, scalenes and first rib areas are easy to get into with this. same for right under the armpit and the lats, teres and external rotators.

It's not comfy but you can also get it between the spine and the scapula and get some serious movement in there.

ALSO great for releasing the forearm and wrist flexors as you roll them across the top of the ball while it's one the dinner table( as mine is now :)
This thing is amazing. Right up there with as good an advancement in myofascial self release as the rumble roller was.

The Gemini is pretty cool too obviously not as overall useful but I think it's going to be magic for the T spine in a way I can't even comprehend yet. I haven't spent much time opening that area but now I think my overhead restrictions have more to do with that than the lats or pec minor. I just spent a few minutes with it horizontally and vertically between the spine and the scap and my snatch holds today felt crazy different!

Excellent.Also, Joe brought over his cupping kit and I got some serious work on all the nasty tight bits.I bought my own set today and this is going to be a very interesting experiment. It creates some nasty bruises but really gets some serious blood flow to the area and it seems to feel and move better right away!



Joe Sarti said...

Thanks Rif, I love the way yu put this together. It was a weird day and I was bummed I had to go, but I will share with you more details, I was impressed by what I experienced today.

As for you, f-ing awesome! Everything. I love the mojo we have and am learning and growing so much and look forward to sharing more with the crew. I love how everyone was cheering, yelling, coaching today, I was so honored to have such amazing support from everyone, what a team!

Have a great weekend, hope yu can come by the new place soon!

Mark Reifkind said...

you rocked it yesterday Joe. SO impressed by how strongly you did the whole thing, especially distracted by having to leave early. that would have totally jacked me up,lol.

BTW ordered the cup set and used yours extensively yesterday. Same thing as last time very good results and very interesting where I got deep bruising and where I did not:)

I will get to you place very soon. Can't wait to hear about the cert

175 x 1 x 10 chin press, 20 kg swings 4x5/5 24 kg swings 4 x 5/5 band pushdowns 3 x 15

 These went perfectly.Good thing too as I'm having trigger thumb surgery and won't be pressing bars for two weeks but it has to get ...