Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Snatch VO2 40 sets of 7

This wasn't so bad as I expected, which is usually the case. Energy was good throughout the morning and rolled right into the workout.

I loathe these met con workouts though; they are always hard no matter how good I get at them, and when I'm out of shape for them, as I am now, they just plain suck. Good thing i have the sense to not extend this over 20 minutes and 40 sets. I used to want to go to 80 sets and that's just nuts. Protocol be damned, 20 minutes is more than enough

Snatch Vo2
16 kg
40 sets
280 reps
10,080 lbs :)

these went ok. for some reason I always take my shirt off to do this workout, pretty much the only time. I can't stand to have it on when I'm sweating like this and never have. If you look at my oldest videos of this protocol I have my shirt off, even in the winter,lol.

Forgot I had the kinesiotape on. Didn't plan on doing video as I started this alone( Glenn showed up midway through, missed signals there) and forgot about it. Taping the collarbone has made a big difference in the right side which has been acting up.

I know the lockouts are ugly. I'm working on it but the point of this training is moving as fast as possible and getting my HR up as much as possible. Still need to get the left side back further but again, I'm not worried.

Sled Drags
200 ft x 5 laps = 1000ft

these were easier today as well and really leaned into the last lap moving as fast as I have in a long time. that felt great! Been forever since I could run at all :(

Bodyblade laterals 3 x 10/10

Tricep extensions / bands 3 x 20  these didn't affect the shoulder as they did. Nice.


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